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Posts posted by TheBaldwinIV

  1. this server is real trash at ur spawn u see rules and no one helps you then in rules u saw there is rule to avoid giant bases but u see big empty buildings everywhere when you ask where is admin why there is a base near ge full of lasers and nudes who has a trap base they didn't respond or when someone spawns 20 attack heli near your base and u argue with them many words and energy being wasted all day they dont respond or when people steal your heli at bandit just right after you bought it they dont respond or when trash people randomly come to chat talking about all racist stuff they dont respond,  just the only time they responded was when 2 people joined my team and wanted to use heli on someone base and i didnt knew their plans for griefing at first and gave them all guns cloths and rss and joined a group of thiers in discord and i was farming all day selling corps for networth till i noticed they used heli on someone base and ran to see the situation it was over and i couldnt do anything i gave more than 200k scrap during my game play in server for free to random people and many many trades and teaching what i know u can ask people about it but lack of admins caused many mayhems and let trash vip members take advantage of non payed users,never play on this server!

  2. understood,take care,bye

    oh i forgot this vip member is also one of those trash who took advantage of others too

    and i never helped those two destroying that ship i just ran all way from farm to there see what is happening and saw what happened u can go to discord and talk to them too

  3. Hi 

    I just noticed I've been banned 

    Reason: epop for griefing 

    i never grief anyone base or etc but yesterday two new players joined my team and i gave them a lot of rss etc and bought some items from shop for them including heli stress call dispatch maybe they used it but after all these days and helping everyone in server this is too much...they could dm me or wait for me to become online again to reply the issue

    even though its not my fault i can help him rebuild or pay him scrap to rebuild as good member of server


    The Baldwin IV (streamer/youtuber/civil engineer)

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