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Posts posted by indigo

  1. US Pure's

    Christmas Tree Onslaught



    Less than 24 hours left to complete all of the mazes!

    Only 3 People so far have completed, So get hoppin' if you want a tree!

    The US Pure staff made a series of mazes, obstacle courses and parkour challenges to help you begin decorating for christmas! All you have to do is start with 8 scrap, diving gear, and a bit of patience! Everyone has to complete all the sections to receive a prize

    Each challenge will have a vending machine where you trade an item for a part to a christmas tree. at the end, we have the tree for you. Sounds simple right? Yep! Next wipe you will have a new christmas tree on the server of your choosing, just make sure to leave your name on a note in the dropbox at the end! This Event is now open, and will run until wipe!

    Many thanks to:


     The Great Gingino




     Takiya Genji




    and others for helping set this up!

  2. 20191030230943_1.thumb.jpg.bf407e12622094ed5fdc5f3222ea4bac.jpg

    It's my favorite time of the year, and as such, I've made a small scavenger hunt.

    Inside my mansion, I have placed a few friends with a note around, and turned my rooms into a maze of sorts. This is not a difficult hunt, but there are quite a few notes to find.

    Your task beyond navigating the house and finding the scarecrows is to mark down on your own list the locations indicated inside the boxes. When you find all 26 (or 30 if you go for the bonus as well), place your note, with your name on it, in a dropbox by my shops. 

    Players with a completed list will win a prize next wipe, which is yet to be determined.

    The event is now live, and anyone can participate. The start location is indicated on the attached image. 


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  3. Offender: The Eternal

    BM & SteamID: Battlemetrics Steam 76561198236841698

    Server: US Pure

    Time: 7:05pm est

    Reason: Player harassment, Toxicity, Admin Disrespect, stealing

    Additional Info:

    Prior to the events of the ban, He was caught stealing loot from a chinook crate right in front of players who were actively looting it after downing it. The Eternal has had a rather sour attitude against anyone that refuses to help them. After a light hearted conversation of teases in voice and chat, he went too far and was told to calm down. He then proceeded to blow up at players and admins for what he believed to have been an attack against him. He would regularly demand things then scream at them and call them rude/crude names in voice and chat(mind you, with poor spelling,) when he would not get his way.


    Eternal ban.png

  4. As cjc had pointed out, I don't see much of an appeal, but i will take it as such.

    First and foremost, You were told multiple times to read the server rules and had more than one chance to do so, and disregarded them even after you were spoken to twice including being given the rules verbally, which you acknowledged. You then continued to loot players and bases. This alone tells me that you don't want to take the rules seriously, and will only set out to repeat history. 

    Second, There is an astounding lack of remorse or acknowledgement about the ban, and the reason for it. 

    Finally, If you are coming from pvp servers claiming to be bad at it, and based on your previous actions reminiscent of pvp, History is bound to repeat itself. I do not see a reason to lift the ban on our server. That said, you are however, welcome to join any of the other RustEZ servers, and who knows, maybe Casual is a good fit. I will warn you however, any infraction could lead you to a ban from another of our servers. and potentially from all of our servers based on the severity. 

    All the best despite the turnout, 


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  5. Come One Come All!

    Take part in the "Revenant Rumble" where you face off against nature in this player built arena!

    Fight off against Wolves, Bears, Boars and the occasional Chicken in an open arena!

    Dressed in your birthday suit, you'll equipped with nothing but a rock and torch, and whatever you can scavenge off the animals and ground. 

    What you get in the arena is what you must survive with, the longer you survive, the better your score!

    Each player will get three respawns, and a score based on the total of the three.

    The Player with the longest run is the winner, followed by the longest cumulative. Second place will also be awarded.

    Participation will receive a $1 EZ Store item on server of choice next wipe.

    Event starts at 6pm EST and will run until all participants have had three runs. 


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  6. Offender: Juul_master58 (steam) (Battlemetrics) 
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 11:08PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding, Looting, Despawning

    I watched Juul_master58 jump walls into a player's enclosure, and through an open door and begin filling his inventory, then dropping items out of the boxes. He went through a half dozen boxes before I went visible and confronted him. He said no when i asked if it was his base, then I asked why he had picked up the items and he left the server. I called another admin over to help me recover the items while I sent a warning, was informed he had recaived a warning a few hours before, but it wasn't noted in BM. He logged back in, continued looting, so I closed the door he got in through. He then opened a ladder hatch and left through that. I followed him to his base, confronted him further, then handled things accordingly with the help of another admin. 






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  7. Have you wanted to become a better gyrocopter pilot? Have you ever wanted to test your mettle in the sky? Ever found a heli around and took off, only to be grounded less than 20 seconds later in a fiery explosion? Look no further! Indigo's cram school and time attack gauntlet is the perfect event for you! 

    I've put together a themed obstacle course for the new mini helis with the help of some really great pilots on US Pure. Tested and proven to be ~88% passable, some of these obstacles are monsters, and some as simple as amusement park rides. all of them challenging for someone out there. For an added zest, I also have a time trial, where a lap around the course and back to start could earn you some nice loot!

    When and where?
    On Monday 2/25 at 8PM EST

    Us Pure of course!


    1. Players who enter the event can choose to either run a time trial, or simply take on the challenges of the gauntlet and/or learn to fly. 
    2. There are three checkpoints throughout the course and these spots are the only areas participants are allowed to idle. these act as save points for the course. simply continue ahead to the obstacle that snagged you. for time trial participants, the checkpoints are pauses, and can only be used as they are come across the first time. 
    3. Each participant will be provided "Flight Gear" and fuel, as well as a heli or two...dozen, however many it takes to finish the course. 
    4. The best part is that there's really no losing. except maybe your no crash streak. 


    completion of the gauntlet and/ or the fastest time through the course will reap the rewards, though completionists and participants will also receive something sweet. 


    $10 store credit for fastest time

    5 Airdrops for 100% completion

    any $1 item from the store for participation. 

    Side Note: I want to thank Ossiie, Tribrats, Rebeline and Souptime_365 for the contributions to the event! Without them, this event would not have half the flair it does now. :)


    • Like 1
  8. Offender: 「TBKs」AJMAC2388  (76561198081372129)

    Server: US Pure

    Time: 6:28 pm EST

    Reason: Raiding, Looting, Base theft, attempted base destruction

    Info: Offender Staked out base, Ran in when door was open, Authorized on the TC and began collecting players' items. offender then placed codelock on TC and demanded everyone to get out as I appeared, I then confronted Offender, giving a chance to redeem themselves, then offender began to have a tantrum, and removed the codelock. I opened inventory and began dropping inventory full of looted items on the floor. In a scramble to recollect items, Offender then became frustrated, equipped a C4 and planted it on the wall beside the players' storage chests. I deleted the c4 before detonation and another admin banned him before more c4 could be thrown. 

    Majority of verbal conflict took place in voice chat. Everything happened in a span of about 2 minutes, and considering the circumstances, Not many in game screenshots were taken.

    Proof: Below



    chat 2.jpg


    • Like 2
  9. Offender: LDN14 (76561198007828007)

    Server: US Pure

    Time: 9:17 pm EST

    Reason: Raiding, Looting, despawning loot

    Info: Offender jumped into base, pulled out and despawned entire second floor of storage chests renamed bed. Upon reviewing BM, Offender has a pattern of the same behavior, never more than an hour on server at a time. Used f1 kill before every time he left the server, and never placed a base.

    Proof: Below





    BM Activity.jpg


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  10. Offender: Jimmy Recard (76561198102405245)

    Server: US Pure

    Time: 1:04 am EST

    Reason: Heli Griefing,, twigging, Raiding, despawning loot, Toxic/homophobic slurs

    Info: Offender twigged into base, aggroed Patrol Heli on base, destroyed a twig wall, threw majority of over 20 chest inventories on the floor to despawn what he did not want. Offender was caught while returning to take another sweep of the base, moved to a location for a chance to redeem himself, instead began throwing out transphobic homophobic and sexist slurs over voice chat and game chat. Kept trying to f1 kill to get out.

    Most of the interaction was through verbal in-game chat.

    Proof: Below








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  11. Offender: themadkid73/skinhub.com (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198224383092) (https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/14702)
    Time: 12:27AM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding, Looting, Griefing
    Additional Info: Entered multiple bases and emptied over 8 chests of items, drained flame turrets, authorized on player's tc, cleared every item of loot possible (not placed items) from multiple bases in a single hour of play time. Built loot house outside tc range of player's bases. The player logged on and heard movement in their base, Immediately called for an admin, the suspect tried to flee and fell off a cliff in the process of trying to get away, logged out, admins arrived and began investigation. 

    Opera Snapshot_2018-10-20_003900_www.battlemetrics.com.png

    Opera Snapshot_2018-10-20_004000_www.battlemetrics.com.png
















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