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Everything posted by Frenchy
Offender: Sphinx BM Steam Server: US Pure Time: 2:00 am CST Length: Permanent Reason: Stealing/Looting More Info (Optional): Player used base exploit to steel from an other players boxes and body. Was already given pervious warnings for harassments/looting/griefing.
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The Horde US Pure Admin Team is hosting a Survival Event. In this event your enemy doesn't sleep, tire or relent. To survive your team must fight with primitive weapons you have or loot. Players will be split in two teams at random. Each team will take their turns. The best time will win. When you start you have a spear and minimal items. As you play you can loot items to use in that round. At end of the round when all of the enemies are dead, the survives will be required to "f1 kill" to reset the inventories to keep it fair. In between rounds the arena will be cleaned. Each team will have 2 Rounds to get the best time. Once the first team starts their 1st round anyone joining will not be able to join either to keep the teams even. The Spectators will be given both front row seats and computer stations to get the best views. We will be doing a free-for-all once the teams are done to insure everyone can play. What you need: You don't need anything to attend, everything you need will be given to you. When: Sunday 6/20/21 at 8:00PM EST Where: US PURE RUSTEZ Server Prizes: 1st Place team will get 2 Air Drops to the server of your choice. The camera codes will be: event1, event2, event3, event4 if you wish to see it and don't want to leave your base.
Join us on US Pure on 4/26/20 at 2:00Pm EST. We will be gambling with our lives. You choose your seat and pull the leaver. The highest number of living pulls gets the grand prize. When you die the next person gets to go. The event will be going for an hour. Anyone is welcome to join. Rules We will be taking turns. There will be a waiting line. Please be patient everyone will get turns to gamble. We will keep gambling for an hour so everyone will get a few tries. Prizes Grand Prize: $5 RUSTEZ Store Credit Participation Prize: 1 Pookie Bear Helpful links Time Zone Converter Server Event FAQ
Winners! 1st James of Carolina 2nd RojoSWE 3rd Kungs 4th CalmEhKawZec 5th ar_cv 6th R4 7th Danish dog I had a great time. Thank you for everyone that participated!
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Hall of Pain This event will be simple, get across the hall Alive. It will not be an easy task though. You will face unseen dangers were one miss step could be your last. All are welcome to come give it a try. You are to bring Nothing you don't want to lose. You will be only given a glimmer of hope to get to the other side. Time: 1:00 pm EST 2/16/2020 PURE (US) Prizes: 1st Place: $10 RustEZ store credit 2nd Place: $5 RustEZ store credit 3rd Place: 5 Supply signals Completion Award: 2 Supply signals Participation Award: 1 Supply signal Rules: -Any boosting up on walls or taking any other path other than the hall will result in disqualification. -Please keep moving Forward! Not one Step Back! -Picking up other players will be up to you. Do you help someone in need or leave them to die? You decide for yourself. -Try to be respectful to other players, but be aware people will be bumping into each other. -You are going to die. A lot.
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Offender: yupickonme4 (Hail_Hydra981) (Battlemetrics) (Steam) Server: US Pure Time: 9:00pm CST Length: Permanent Reason: Raiding, Griefing Additional Info: Entered a players griefed the base destroying much of it. Looted the player. An admin talked to him and was told it was against the rules. Two days later he raided and griefed two different players. One of which was the same base(Base 1) as mentioned before. Base 1 Yupickonme again twigged into the base, took it over, placed a turret, TC griefed it, and put doors with locks to prevent the player from being able to use it again. Base 2 Yupickonme twigged into the base and looted every box. They also place many items in the players base which the homeowner can't remove. Proof: Have many screenshots, Have more if needed.
Congratulations to the Winners!!! 1st: Massivevoid 2nd: gage 3rd: Jose Fred 4th: Krammer01 Thank you to everyone who attended. It was great fun. Your determination was extraordinary and impressed the Admin team. Thank you again, Frenchy
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Hall of Pain This event will be simple get across the hall Alive. It will not be an easy task though. You will face unseen dangers were one miss step could be your last. -All are welcome to come give it a try. -You are to bring Nothing you don't want to lose. -You will be only given a glimmer of hope to get to the other side. Time: 12:00 pm EST, 5:00 pm GMT 2/24/2019 PURE (US) Prizes: 1st Place: $10 RustEZ store credit 2nd Place: $5 RustEZ store credit 3rd Place: 5 Supply signals Completion Award: 2 Supply signals Participation Award: 1 Supply signal Rules: -Any boosting up on walls or taking any other path other than the hall will result in disqualification. -Please keep moving Forward! Not one Step Back! -Picking up other players will be up to you. Do you help someone in need or leave them to die? You decide for yourself. -Try to be respectful to other players, but be aware people will be bumping into each other. -You are going to die. A lot.
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Offender: Vizie https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198872257483 https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/754332966 Server: US Pure Time: 12:13AM CST Length: Permanent Reason: Raiding, Racism Additional Info: Log on to player saying racist comments in chat, he was muted and told to that it will not be tolerated. After that, he made signs against the admins and antisemitism. He got rid of the signs. Later that day the player entered 2 players house and looked through there chests. He tried robbing them (with a gun) for stone, but owner didn't have any, so he took 5 stacks of wood from the owners. He tried to leave immediately with the wood. Admins stepped and talked to him. Vizie denied stealing. Then admitted doing it and swore at the admins saying more racist comments. Proof: Vizie: !@#$$%^ ADMIN WONT GET OFF MY ^&*% Vizie: IM NOT YOUR THE ONE CAUSING PROBLEMS Vizie: $%#@%^ %$#@# Vizie: I WALKED INTO A UNLOCKED BASE ASKING FOR SOME STONE Vizie: I DID NOTHING WRONG Vizie: WHAT A %$#@#$ $#@# %$#@ Vizie: NO ITS RAIDING WHEN IM TAKING %$#@ I WAS FRIENDLY Vizie: I WAS ASKING FOR STONE Vizie: OH SHIT THEN I OFFERED TO GIVE IT BACK Vizie: OH YAH I HARRESED THEM BULLSHIT Vizie: THEN THEY THREATEND TO BAN ME FOR OTHER SHIT LLIKE SAYING JEW Vizie: OH %$#@ OFF %$#@ Vizie: %$#@ ADMIN THEY ARE %$#@#$ Vizie: GOT TOOOOO SENCOR IT OR BANN Vizie left the server
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Well that was a lot of work for that. At least we tried.
Offender: does it look like i smot poke? (76561198045617306) Server: Pure (US/UK) Time: 3:15 Reason: Toxic Behavior Info: Toxic Behavior in chat, When talked to didn't quorate, just kept making fun of pve servers. Kept trying to f1 kill to get out. Most of the interaction was through verbal in-game chat. Proof: Below
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Offender: username (76561198069923613) Server: Pure (US/UK) Time: 3:15 Reason: Toxic Behavior Info: Toxic Behavior in chat, When talked to didn't quorate, just kept making fun of pve servers in both voice and game chat and being toxic. Proof: Below
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Offender: Can I Hit Juul? (Steam)(76561198829500303) Time: 8:11pm CST Length: Permanent Reason: Twigging and Raiding Found looting items from another players furnace and refinery. Given warning through console that it is not allowed on this server. Later I found twigging into 3 players bases and looting items. Found sleeping in another players enclosed furnace pen. Proof: Base #1 Base #2 Base #3
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More Proof:
Could I get my pumpjack placed on scourge.
Entered a players base through a window and looted many containers, tried to run from the scene. I Jailed him then ask him to give the stuff back did not comply. Killed himself then tried to loot another players base. Victim has been refunded. Proof:
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Incorporate rules on the Casual server, Like pvp monuments and looting is legal. Right now if feels the same as survival with more angry animals (zombies). I like it so far but because it so close survival it got stale very quickly