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Everything posted by premedicated
I was thinking about the Kerplunk/Panic Platforms event, and it made me think of something like Jenga. You take turns with a salvage hammer, trying to destroy parts of a tower/building without causing enough instability to destroy the parts above it. It would probably work best with a smaller selection of players or it might be hard to tell who wins, with a base at least wide enough that everyone has a chance to not lose on the first round. When a player causes extra demolishing, they're removed from the game, until one winner is left.
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i know i'm playing too much because i had a dream last night i was in my build contest base and as a surprise the admins had replaced my dinky boats with fancier manned rhibs
dunno how to edit my post either, still a little bit to go but happy with some stuff i've added edited: oh ok, edits are on a time limit probably. also it has a name now: The Ferry Fair
@Billy Madison yeah, i'm about an hour west in the burbs now. i have step-family in southern Wisconsin though i've never been there! and Death himself mentioned he's in Indiana. it's wild! thanks dude. i'm aiming for success. ultimately i may not get to do my favorite kind of work, but we all have different skills and though it's a tough climb, there's a bunch of reasons it's going to work out a lot better for me than the other shit i've tried. just gotta keep tryin till somethin sticks!
i've had a pretty tough/weird life - born in canada to Finnish immigrants, came to the US as a kid, went and dropped out of art college in canada again, lived above a bar in chicago, lived in a few strange places and also homeless in california, now i'm back in Illinois living with parents while i tackle the first few years of a fine arts degree so i can either transfer to a better school to get them good jobs, or see what i can get with an associate's. i've dabbled in game making and writing, my main talents are illustration, sculpture, and fashion.
please ban syn for not posting pictures of bear fucking?
I'm looking for - the marketplace item Punk Pants, and the parquet table - a bulk amount of cloth for paintings + looking to offer sign painting (see my gallery entries for examples) for HQM, wood, cloth, or fuel. payment depends on what you have and what you want, haggling is welcome.
Sometimes you want to trade in massive amounts and no one is online, or you have a vending machine up, but not everyone checks those all the time! post here if you're regularly looking for something, try to edit your post or make a new one if you get what you needed.
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blocked due to updating my rust before the server updates - such is life. but i'm always so pumped over the new updates, every time there's something i'm super excited about. i love increased interactability... and hoping this means MORE interactability coming soon, personally crossing fingers for picking berries from bushes, and maybe something to do with flowers in the game someday?
my two cents, i personally enjoy having night, it just enhances the feel of the game. i voted no misreading thinking it would increase the length of BOTH day and night. even as a night-liker, either longer days or shorter nights wouldn't bother me at all, i would be more annoyed at having basically no night every day because of votes (ofc i'd deal with it and still enjoy it either way). kind of like the heli - it's annoying when you first start, or make a mistake, but the fuckups and difficulty add a certain challenges that make the game more fun for me. if i wanted it to be TOTALLY easy i'd play on a heavily modded pve server.
with the chicken painting destroyed and the chickens making their way, there was only one thing to do. the death of the chicken painting was so quick; the death of the chicken mob was slow and calculated and allowed us to grieve. the only way to pay your respects to a loss of art is with brutal murder. farewell.
shortly after spending hours fixing the gallery uploading feature, and my uploading my beautiful chicken painting, my tired mind led me to make mistakes. those mistakes meant the heli blew out the front half of my home - and the painting. death appeared, playing a fittingly mournful bagpipe song over voice chat. i knew what had to be done. he began spawning the chickens, and they marched solemnly in unison towards the forest, like that penguin in the march of the penguins who wandered off to die, except there was 50 of them.
ayyyyy it's all working! good shit op (^^)b d(-_^) d(⌒ー⌒) (・ω・)b (b^ー゚) d(-_☆) (゚∇^d) (・ω・)b (´∀`)b ( ̄ー ̄)b (b~_^)b (b^_^)b d(>_・ ) d(>_< ) (*TーT)b (*^ー゚)b b(~_^)d d(・∀・○) (*TーT)b ( ̄ε ̄〃)b d(゚ー゚@) d(>_・ ) (o^-’)b ( ゚Д゚)b d(* ̄o ̄) d( ̄◇ ̄)b (o^-')b (*^-゚)b b( ̄▽ ̄*) (* ̄▽ ̄)d ( ´∀`)b (o'v`b)b ╭( ・ㅂ・)و d(*′Ⅰ`*)b d( ̄(エ) ̄d) d-(^_^)-b d(*⌒▽⌒*)b ☆⌒d(*^ー゚)b Σd=(・ω-`o) Σb( `・ω・´) ( ´ ▽ ` )b ( *• ̀ω•́ )b
@Death can do, good luck n lemme know how it goes
na, it crashed on another single picture this time. so, that seems like an irritating bug for ya to have to fix but i'm not quite sure what it could be. i know the single picture i just uploaded was 1.6mb but the other single picture was 1.9mb so it's not a filesize issue either. also getting a bug where it says i can't edit the post, then loads as if it's saving the edit. the last post i edited went through with the edit and this one will not. possibly related issue with your server accepting/loading changes/new data?
alrighty! i shut my game down and tried a few more, thought it may be me since i can get random connection drops if i strain it too much. but it definitely seems to be an issue on your end re: more than one pic at a time. it seems to accept the single picture just fine.
ok jesus christ, lmao, it happened again, and ublock is still off. so i think the issue may be uploading too many/too large pictures at once (i guess 4 is too many?) while the internet is really doing anything else at all. maybe. if you delete those i'll do them with rust shut down. bug troubleshooting is fun and you're welcome /sarcasm (by this i mean thank you)
awesome, it's nice to see the site coming along. and problem solved - and, to prevent anyone else from having the issue i had: i was using ublock, turned it off via the in-extension disable, and it still didn't work, so if you have ublock on firefox you may need to disable it via the actual addon menu before trying to upload to the gallery.