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Posts posted by Helminsted

  1. I can see a problem with how other players can tag and pull aggro from the attack heliecopter and the tank at launch site. I find it hard to get above 8 to 10% damage on the attack helicopter with lesser guns without someone else pulling it away with a better gun. They do more of the damage after they steal the aggro, and claim all the loot, but you still did at least 8% before they took the credit.

    If we could simply say that, if a player does at least 8% damage to the different helicopters and tanks, this metric being shown in the combat log by typing in the command in F1, with at least 8% damage the player is intitled to at least see the loot up for grabs and is able to make a diplomatic trade to the person that did say, 92% of the damage as an example.

    Please at least look into this simple act of making a slightly leveled playing field through no plugins, or mods, or anything extra done to the server end of things, other than just letting it be known, if you do 8% or more damage to the event bosses, you can at least ask for some loot.

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