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Everything posted by PepperJack

  1. Pepperjack (US) Scourge Q22 Rustmas 2024
  2. US Scourge Pepperjack & IrishCirGaming Spooders R Real U19
  3. PepperJack US Pure S16
  4. If you are participating in attack heli, afterwards go to downed site & present your claim. There may be some arguments but mostly everyone is agreeable. In my past experience, we'd take 1 to 2 crates, depending on the damage. Damage can be found by checking the combat log by hitting f1, type combatlog. Combatlog will show time, attacker id, target id, weapon, ammo, area, distance, old hp, new hp, hits, to give you idea of how much damage you've done to the attack helicopter. Hope everyone stays to see the changes aren't so bad.
  5. I interpreted Death's post: "Removal of the donation store. (Only memberships will be purchasable.)" Means no goodies from the store. I'm not sure if that means for the daily air drop, but it's not until December.
  6. I would agree with @tribrats. I'll miss vip rec too, but will all miss the salvage hammer . #heavysigh. @tribrats Reminiscing when first joining server, Halloween, with my family's janky build. Can't wait! @tribrats@indigo original oj admin 4 me.
  7. EZ Pure is labelled as vanilla and is PVE. Yes, the decay should be turned on. The solution to any complaints was solved by the industrial age.
  8. L96 scoping excavator seeing what's brewing along with the coffee.
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