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Posts posted by Ben

  1. Offender: p1xeL (Battle)(Steam)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 17:20PM GMT+2
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding /Griefing

    Additional info:
    Player raided and griefed multiple bases, all the loot he didnt need he just threw out to make it despawn. He even went as far as to destroy the loot boxes to remove evidence. When confronted with me, he didnt showed any respect and kept shooting me in the face and run away.

    The sneaky basterd also killed himself and let him respawn at the beach to make it harder for us to track down his base..  (Wich we found anyway)

    Concidering he made a big mess in only 3 hours, didnt showed any respect for admins and he played on other RustEZ servers in the past. I gave him an organization wide ban to protect our players.

    Proof: (There is a lot more evidence avaible upon request)





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  2. Offender 1: Jean Cousin (Battle)(Steam)
    Offender 2: Raos (Battle)(Steam)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 12:30PM GMT+2
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding/Looting 

    Additional info:
    Both players raided multiple bases, and more reports will follow since the amount of loot doesnt match up with the 2h playtime on the server. Ive spoken to a friend of them and he confirmed to know they raided bases and that they knew it wasnt allowed. He told them multiple times.

    Cuz of the multiple raid, knowing its not allowed i decided to ban both, and secure the base to protect all the leftover for the so far unknown cases.

    Proof:  (a lot more on request)



















  3. Offender: WhiteWhiff   (Steam)(Battle)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 16.25PM GMT+2
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding 

    Additional info: Player was warned for raiding a base, he was also being a smartass with and said "its not stealing, i'm teaching them a lesson"  So i returned the favor and showed what we do with smartass thiefs and killed him.  Yet 5 min later he got caught again raiding a different base...
    At that point i decided to teach him the ultimate lesson and banned him from our server.





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  4. Offender: EM3RGENCY  (Steam) (Battle)   
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 16.35PM GMT+2
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding 

    Additional info: Player was warned for looting, yet a couple minutes later he started raiding a base.. As soon as he noticed the stuff being taken out of his invenotry he logged out himself, he know what was happening.   Beceas he had total disregard for the rules or the admins he was banned from the server.





  5. 20190630153913_1.thumb.jpg.a4593c1ec987c33fbe41784c70d973cc.jpg

    Wipe days "Killer Switch" event.  4th of July 6pm GTM

    Join us Thursday 4th of July at 6pm GTM+1 for some wipe day fun.
    We will be hosting a game show style event where 4 players in each round are locked in a room with behind them shotgun traps. The doors to those traps are hooked up to one of the 50 switches on the wall.  Players take turns to pick a switch and hopefully kill there opponents and not themself.

    Some of the switches are connected to a bonus round to earn extra swtich flips or to spin the insta kill wheel. 

    How the event works:

    • Players that wanna participate have to join the event with an empty inventory
    • The first 16 players who are able to pick a note with a code on can play for prizes
    • Once we have 16 players we start the process to see wich player plays in what round
    • The winner of each round will go to the final round to play for the prizes
    • During the game players have to select switches to try and open the door of the shotgun traps behind there opponent.

    Depending on the amount of players that will show up at the event we will do extra rounds. Players who won EZ store credit in the previous round cannot participate another round. Players waiting for a chance to claim a participant seat must remain in the audience. Exact prizes and number of rounds will be announced prior to event start time.

    All players are welcome to join the event as prizes may be redeemed on any RustEZ server for July wipe.

    The event doors will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the event.





    • Like 3
  6. Offender: haxen  (Battle) (Steam)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 20:00 GTM+1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding / Griefing

    Additional info: Player was caught raiding, he refused to talk and when i was taking out the stuff he stole he continued to steal more and pick up workbench, research table, chests etc.







    • Like 1
  7. Hello warist666

    First of all, i'm glad to hear that you are sorry for the bad behaviour in our chat.
    Unfortunatly there is a lot more that happend then just some bad behaviour in chat.

    -Intentionally starting fights with players bye doing stuff to piss them off.
    -Intentionally calling players bad names.
    -Even at one point you compered one of my admins to " the perfect soldier in  '45" wich is very insulting since hes a German.
    -And like you already stated, ignoring multiple warnings of multiple admins.

    You spend time to create 2 new accounts to get arrond the ban, yet you didnt took any time to appologize to our players or staff.
    Looking at all of this, i'm not convinced you are a changed man.

    Basicly, to much is happend, and to less time and effort to fix it has passed.

    My advise is to come back in a couple months so everyone has the time to cooldown since you made quite a mess in here.
    Use that time to think about your actions and what you will do to make sure it wont happen again.
    But most of all, take that time to appologize to our players and staff.

    The door isnt closed yet, i just need to see more action from your side to make up for everything that happend.


  8. Hey Apple,

    We are very sorry that the server problems affected you and our other players, but unfortunatly is was out of our control and we had to do a rollback.
    Rollbacks are very uncommon and it was the first time we had to do it since the EU Pure server started.

    We are also happy to inform you that Death worked his butt off on our server and that we are now running on a brand new upgraded server.

    I hope you will come back to us and give us an other chanse and test out the new server.
    (You will have to look it up in the community list again since the IP has changed)

    You are a valued community member and we would hate to see you go.

    • Like 1
  9. Warist666

    After the "N**ga" incident i gave you a final warning, i explained behavior like that cannot be tolerated, not even as a joke.
    After that i had to warn and even kick you on multiple occasions for your language in chat, you always said it wont happen again..
    You had some incidents with other players and then you called them names, even today you called a player an "ass" and that was not as a "joke"..

    I wont deny you had you're good sides too, you could be nice and helpful to others and funny when you wanted. But when it didnt went you're way we unfortunatly see an other side of you..
    I think i gave you a fair number (most likely to much) chanses to redeem yourself and change you're attitude but you didnt..

    So today i reached the point that i had to make a decision whats in the best interest of the server, and that was to let you go.


    • Like 1
  10. Offender: warist666 (Battle) (Steam)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 00:04 GTM+1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Player & admin disrespect / Harassement / verbal abuse / general toxic behaviour

    Additional info:  From the start warist666 was a problem player, it began with some looting warnings but soon he started to feel "more at home" and the curse words and insults started showing up in chat.  He was kicked on multiple occasions for inappropriate  language and behavior in chat.

    On multiple occasions he started fight with other players by going for loot on monuments while other players where doing it. And to piss them off steal the rhib from cargo ship so that player had to swim to shore.  When a player returned the favor, he would call them cunts and more of these nice names. 

    He even went as far as to compere one of my admins (who is German) as "The perfect soldier in '45".  (Nazi refference)

    Multiple players came to me to complain about his behavior, one player was about to quit our server beceause of it. 

    Looking at all this incidents together, i decided to perm ban warist666 today.

    Edit: 10/05/2019 01:25 GTM+1

    Offender: OG N'wah (Battle) (Steam)
    The offender returned with a burner account. He was banned for ban evasion.

    Edit 10/05/2019 15:20 GTM+1

    Offender: no3slayer (Battle) (Steam)

    The offender returned with a burner account. He was banned for ban evasion













  11. Offender: 𝔅𝔞şк𝔞𝔫𝟝𝟛  (Battle)(Steam)

    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 19:47 GTM+1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding/Looting

    Additional info:  Player was caught stealing stone and hqm out of a quarry, last wipe on 24/04 he was already warned for raiding and griefing a players base..  He knew it was the first and last warning and he was explained all the rules.










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  12. Offender:   Black Jesus   (Battle) (Steam)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 0:00 GTM+1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding

    Additional Info: 
    The player gained access to a base and toke items out of unlocked chests, the base owner called me over when i asked why he was in that base he threw out the loot and F1 killed himself.  So i made a special room with a nice view for him and had a talk. Since he was new and had some kind of "explanation" and wasvery apologetic about it, i explained the server rules and let him go with an official warning.

    Couple hours later i get called in by an other member that is missing stuff from there heli tower, i look up the loot logs and to my suprise i find Black Jesus again.. Time stamp on the logs isnt even 30min after we had a talk.. 








    • Haha 2
  13. Offender:   SirToaster (Steam) (BM)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 01:45AM GTM+1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason:  Player raided Sean's base, the items Sean named including skinned items that a other Admin made for him where found in the players base.
    Also the base the player was found in was fully armored and that with 2h 25m playtime.
    He was also suspected of a raid from Sean's
    neighbour, he threw out a bunch of items in that base to despawn but at that time i didnt had enough evidence to take any action.







    • Like 1
  14. Offender: VoidLxrd  Steam

    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 21:55 GTM+1
    Lenght: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding

    Additional info:
    I was informed by an other admin Indigo, that while i was sleeping a raid happend on EU Pure,  2 players separately emptyed an entire base. After i talked with VoidLxrd he said he knows the rules, what for me makes it even worse.  Counting that in, and the severity of the looting i decided to ban both players.







  15. Offender: liammetbaard  Steam
    Offender: MCB_OneTaPsS   Steam

    Witnesses Fly & Bluenose

    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 18: 10GMT +1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason:  Toxicity and Harrassement

    Additional Info: Players griefed an Bluenose base by surrounding it with multiple TC's and placing spikes all arround the base. They also where shooting at that Bluenose even after he had asked multiple times to stop.
    When Admin Fly, went down there to have a look they where toxic to him , and started shooting to him too.
    When i came to assist Fly, they where toxic to me and i become the newest shooting target.

    I made them a special cozy 1x1 but the toxic behaviour continued, so i kicked them out. After they rejoined the server all started over again so i decided to ban them since toxic kids arent welcome here.

    All toxic comment where made in voice, for proof you can contact the witnessess.

    Proof of the tc's and spikes:


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  16. Offender: Ichbinhue
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 04:10 GMT +1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding and Griefing

    Additional Info:

    In the 4 hours he was on our server he Raided 3 bases, and Griefed at least one. When the first victem said in chat he was raided, the player dropped his balloon and went further on foot to raid. Even sending out the server rules multiple times didnt made him stop.

    At the last base he raided and griefed (toke tc access and destroyed boxes) we locked him in and he instantly logged out. Guess he doesnt wanna talk with us.. 😢

    he raided mine sulfur quarry and primals quarry bases also. if needed, i got a ton of screens

    Proof: 20190223035158_1.thumb.jpg.79958996fe218cef01ed2a75c22aaff4.jpg20190223035043_1.thumb.jpg.21d574fa4df8f9adfb5c5443d8dbc47c.jpg


















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  17. Offender: Hongi  (BM) (Steam)
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 22:00 GMT+1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding/Griefing

    Additional Info:
    The player Raided a base, by the time i found his name on the loot logs and teleported to him to check him out he was running to an other base that was unfinished
    . He added a lock on it and went offline.

    A little while later he logged in again and before i could teleport to him he was already trying to get back in the base he just stole from, luckly the base owner noticed me and called me in chat.

    I teleported to them, and he said he didnt do it, and told me " follow me i show you my base and my loot, i almost have nothing"

    He showed me the base he griefed with almost nothing in it, i asked him multiple times " Is this your only base, and are these items the only items you have"
    His answer was always "Yes". So i kicked him with the notification to come back when he is willing to tell the truth.

    He joined the server again, i asked the same question, and he told the same answer. When i told him to stop lie to me,  that i already found his main base and secured the stolen loot he logged out instantly.

    Little note, his main base he build behind the base he raided, TC was placed +-3 min after he first appear on the loot logs.








    hongi 2.jpg


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  18. All 3 are bannable offences, i don't know what happend but what i can tell you is that harassment and toxic behaviour to players falls under player disrespect.
    For more info you need to contact @Dresden or wait untill the ban report is filed in this section of the forum and make an appeal on it.

    ● No raiding, griefing or stealing of any kind
    ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, or racism
    ● No Building on roads or blocking off monuments
    ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage

    • Sad 1
  19. After spending 380hours on a server you should know the rules.
    -"No raiding" rule is in the server name.
    -When you connect to the server there is a login screen with the rules
    -You can find them on the website, and since you found the way to appeal your ban you could have found the rules on the website too.

    So not knowing the rules, well thats not a valid reason for me after 380hours on the serer.

    Anyway, like i told you in pm, i will let you know something within the next 24hours.

    • Like 1
  20. Offender 1: Forestano (Ban lifted and second chanse given to player after extensife talk about the server rules.)
    Offender 2: SilviaPipo76
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 23:30PM GTM+1
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Raiding

    Additional info:
    Forestano and Silvia raided a players base, they where well aware of the rules, Silvia even pinged @Ben and @admin right before raiding to see if we reacted. They cleaned the entire base and didnt spared any troubles to do so, they even made a storage base nextdoors.

    The admin team discussed this raid at lenght and decided to ban them both because of the size of the raid and how they pre planned it.

    silvia final.jpg







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