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Posts posted by Shiddypoop

  1.     Thank you for the apology and the timely response to the missing quarries. I feel like you and I butt-heads on things you do on purpose way more than the things you do on accident LOL. I think the vehicle flare changes you have on the horizon seem interesting to me as well.

        I just wanted to say... Death. I know we've had our disagreements surrounding the quarries in the past, but I'm curious to see how it plays out without personal deploy-able ones. Maybe it will be a good change after all. 

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  2. I think people's awareness needs to be raised regarding bases being made that are just too big and not needed. I understand people love to express themselves and use the RustEZ PVE servers as a potential creative outlet, but even people with amazing PC's can be brought to their knees rendering in massive bases(regardless of complexity/hollowness). There should be a rule put into place outlining this. It doesn't even need to be permanent, just until they(FP) better optimizes the game's overall performance. 

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  3. Could we please have purchasable Christmas trees? Unfortunately the Christmas trees are only craftable in the month of December. I love that we have the bunny onesies and the cobwebs, but having the ability to purchase christmas trees would be awesome! Maybe having the christmas tree ornaments/star to come with it? Some people really like being festive all year round. :D


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  4. As much as I dislike censorship, I have to agree. LongLiveKiss said it best. Politics create a toxic divide between people and it's just not needed in a server that tries to avoid just that. 

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  5. Much like the pumpjacks, this would allow players to add multiple refineries by "upgrading" with the use of an extra refinery. This would reduce clutter(space is very valuable on Scourge) and would pair well with the current pumpjack implementation. 

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  6. I'd also like to recommend maybe taking a poll and post it in the announcements of the discord. Not everyone comes to the forums to voice their concerns. We shouldn't be excluding their stance just because they aren't active on the forums. @Death


  7. I partially agree with @CornishMike. I don't really care if we go back to the original method of upgrading or not. Either using Quarries to upgrade your placed quarry, or using components. Both components and extra quarries are not easy to obtain. Using the quarries to upgrade current placed ones had me purchasing airdrops and/or spending caps. Both are costly methods to the player(as it should be).

     I do agree that we should toss this upkeep nonsense, even if it means going back to the quarries only producing 1 resource along with stone. You shouldn't have to worry about upkeep AND worry about obtaining the fuel to feed the quarry.

    I know I won't be bothering with further store purchases and/or potentially finding elsewhere to play. There's plenty of other servers that offer a very similar experience to what we had previously. I'm also aware that I am not the only one that feels this way.

    I've been a proud and willing supporter of this server, bringing friends to the server, being active whenever possible, and spending hundreds each month without hesitation. I don't appreciate the way this change came about and hope this gets resolved correctly. @Death

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  8. @Death If a player has the necessary funds to create a level 10 pumpjack, who cares? That's called capitalism. Not everyone will be buying 10. That's what will happen when you give people the opportunity to purchase an item that generates resources...

    I think you underestimate the amount of people that will be placing more quarries/pumpjacks due to this decrease in maximum level. 

    if people have the resources to constantly feed their quarries, why does it matter if they are AFK or not? People are practically encouraged to AFK with the 100 caps per hour that people gain from just being online. 

    Every server has a decrease in numbers towards the middle of wipe. If 1 server decreases a week before the other, so what? It wipes once a month. 

    Unfortunately you'll find this change will prevent people from using quarries altogether/potentially finding what they need on another server. I'll be finding something else to do in the meantime. 


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  9. I don't see who was complaining about the quarries the way they were. The only thing that I remember ever seeing was issues with the output. Why would a change like this be put into play without a poll being taken? Why even reduce the maximum to 5? All that does is increase the amount of pumpjacks/quarries placed. Which was part of the reason why you introduced the quarry buff in the first place. This latest change feels rushed and out of place. If you want to nerf quarries because "the lore" doesn't fit scourge, fine. Quarries should be left alone on servers that didn't have anyone complaining about them. 


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  10. That would be awesome! I look forward to it! Having the blue and green scientist suits to go along with the thiccyboy scientist suits would be something truly special, along with all the other stuff. Oh man this has me excited! 😍

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  11. Okay look. I see that you(Death) aren't into the idea of a command for players to spawn their own minicopters... but running around the map and wasting time looking for one is asinine. You sell car drops on your website. People can pay for a car delivered to their house. The thing has HORRIBLE driving mechanics, but is a tank and won't die unless you flip it or drive it into water. This is something no one else seems to find OP or a little much. Why not implement some way for someone to either have the /mymini command, OR buy 1 mini on the store that DOESN'T decay and cannot be flown by anyone but the person that purchased it + whoever is on their team(just like the purchasable car that's already on the website). Reducing the lifespan of them isn't going to fix anything. The problem lies with people hoarding them or trying to "sell" them back to players for in-game scrap. This fixes the problem without telling people how to play on your server(s). You earn additional money towards your server's upkeep, and people can have a heli of their own and not have to worry about hunting a heli down. Some people don't have all day to run around looking for a heli. I know I'm not the only one here who has a full-time job and doesn't have the time to screw around.

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  12. Hello,

    I think it would be a good idea to add the bunny onesie/bunny ears to the online store, as well as the ability to purchase gold eggs, and maybe a mass drop for gold eggs under the "events" category of the store?

    • Like 4
  13. Hello Dr Professor Death,

         Is there any chance we could have the bunny onesie/ears available for purchase on the RustEZ online store? Along with other unobtainable items, such as: Golden eggs? A bronze/silver/gold egg mass drop? Obviously golden eggs give pretty good loot, but I'm sure if you implemented it with a proper pricepoint... I'm sure people would consider it. 

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