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Posts posted by Zetronus

  1. Circuit Synopsis

    Tthe above circuit performs two functions

    1. "Charge" the STORE from SOURCE and
    2. "Dissipate" the STORE to LOAD when SOURCE isn't available.

    It performs this task using 4 components,

    • 2x Electrical Branches (eBranch) in series
    • 1x Blocker
    • 1x OR Gate


    Pro Tip:

    • In the Above example, there is a "Counter" that is set to display the power from SOURCE - this component is SET to show PASS-THROUGH - saves constantly checking SOURCE input with the Electrical Tool


    The Charge Circuit : Detail

    The Charge Circuit has only one function - to Charge the Store while there is Source Power and to stop any STORE discharge while doing so.  The moment of SOURCE fail is the time to Dis-Charge the STORE.

    We assume a power input Power of 200 Units from Source - After the "Counter", see pro-tip abovem we then we get to the first eBranch of the series

    We have set this to 100 Units of power to be taken off to the Circuit and that leaves us 98 Units of Power to go into the last eBranch of the Series and it is this eBranch that is set-up to do two things,

    1. Charge STORE while there is SOURCE Power
    2. Allow STORE to discharge when SOURCE Power is no longer available.


    Using the Right most Output of the eBranch ( known as pass-through - what is left over from what is Branch'ed Out ) we apply this to the Battery ( STORE ) Input - this provides 94 points of Power to the STORE to Charge.

    The left most output of this eBranch ( Branched Power ) is SET to 3 Units of power and that is applied to the BLOCKING Input of the Electrical Blocker.  While the BLOCKER only needs 1 Power Unit on this input to do its Job, the eBranch has a minimum set output of '2' - However this is SET to '3'.  This is due to habbit, as this charge-circuit is easily epanded, and that extra power unit does indeed get used elsewhere.


    So that is how the circuit Charges and holds STORE while there is power comming from SOURCE, next we get to talk about INTEGRATION



  2. @aNoNiM - Thanks for the heads up - I have been plugging this circuit ( no pun intended ) for the longest.

    To be fair though, the Battery ( Store ) doesn't charge as fast when you add "LOAD" directly to it.  In terms of Rusts "Electrical Methodology" it pays to add a couple of components for a nominal cost to improve the overall efficiency of the circuit.

    With that in-mind a simple Charge Store when Excess Source and Discharge Store with Sounce Fail is a great way to learn a little of the developers thinking.


    Once you have this idea down its easier to grasp cirdcuit Logic e.g. "AND" "OR" "XOR" and "FLIP FLOPS" which will be "Electroncis 202" 😃


  3. In this Part 2 we will discuss Charge & Store and Load & Integration, that is to say, building a circuit that will have a store of power kick-in ( come online ) when power generation has failed or halted.

    This part assumes you already know how to layout your "Source" for power generation and is aimed at an intermediate level of knowledge. However I am sure that plenty of begingers will enjoy some of this information too.. if not I have a RayKay..... and I am not afraid to use it ;).


    So let me show you this circuit - don't planic I will explain as we go through it, also this circuit is available to play with on Rustician.


    e.g. - U.P.S. ( Uninterrupterble Power Supply ) Circuit



    In the above example I have introduce two new concepts, CHARGE and INTEGRATION - I should also point out that SOURCE is considered to be 10 Large Solar Panels with the maximum output per panel - I should point out, that will NEVER be the case.

  4. "Load"

    This refers to anything that the circuit contains, lights, modules, sentries,  RF equipment, Door Openers even secondary back up systems - you name it, this is the place where all the Electrickery happens.

    The "Load" has a power requirement, and it is good practice that you base your circuits with the maximum reserve power output you can achive.  Its all well can good having the potential of 200 rusty power units comming from your Power Generation to your circuit - but if that is  intermittent your circuit can easily fail due to being underpowered - this could be as insignificant to a couple of lights - but in the extreme you could have a total failure and not only left in the dark but at the worse possible times..


    This brings us to the unique electrical item -

    the "Root Combiner"


    This one special electrical Item that is exempt from "Load" and doesn't cost any power and that is the "Root Combiner"

    Root Combiners are only in use at the "Root" of your electrical setup - that is to say they can only be used ( Connecting FROM ) on Power Generation Items, as mentioned above.  the can "Stack" with other Root Combiners and thus  "Root Combine" as they go.   -

    e.g. ( For example if you had 4 Solar Panels, you would use 3 Root combiners to combine the outputs to one output from "Source". )


    In the above example two Root Combiners take 20 units of power from each the four Large Solar Panel's and are then combined omce again by a third Root Combiner to provide 80 units of output power

    It is important to know that these items ONLY conbine "Source" electrical components and connect (TO and FROM )other Root Combiners.  In the image above you can see that each Source Item ( Large Solar Panel ) provides 20 Units of power. 

    Without the Root Combiner(s) this would lead to very wimpy circuits without much load at all, however as you can see these items "stack" and at the time of writting I have created "Souce" outputs with over 5 levels of "Root Combiners" - for those mathy types thats a 5*2^ Power Series ;)

    It is important to note that while these items will Connect TO other components they will not connect ( FROM ) Batteries, or any other type of electrical item that is NOT a "Source" Generator


  5. "Store"

    It makes sense to store what you don't immediately use in these apocalyptic times, because simply put power is a resource and like all ressources in the wonderful land of Rust, we have to OWN as much of it as possible.  So the developers of these lands have given us a few options to store electrical power for our uses down the line.

    Small Battery


    Circuit Delivery 10 Power @ ( 20 minutes )

    These little gems can provide a small amount of power for short period of time, while it wont power much it can power something VERY critical or aleast provide a means to control power managment.

    Medium Battery


    Circuit Delivery 50 Power @ ( 1 Hour 30 Minutes )

    This is more like it, with these Medium Batteries, one can now power small critical circuits when power generation fails.

    Large Battery


    Circuit Delivery 100 Power @ ( 3 hours 30 Minutes )

    These are clearly my favourite method of storing un-used power - while they maybe a little pricey on the HQM at first - they pay dividends down the line


    What to choose ?

    We will discover that this will come down to the circuit requirement that these items will power.  Say that your circuit only needs 30 units of power - then the Medium Battery would provide enough for that circuit, where as the Large Battery would be over-kill in that situation and the small battery simply wouldn't deliver the output required,

  6. Greetings fellow survivors

    welcome to a small 4 (ish) part series to help those buddying Rusticians how to really get a handle on the Electrickery in RUST.

    Now there is an absolute plethora of resources online, but only a few touch on the Methodology and Practice.


    Since I have seen such amazing attempts by our fellow survivors to get the best out of the electrical component only to get stuck on a tiny bit and get frustrated - well frustrate no more my friends as I hope to be able to share with you some simple concepts and methodologys to take your Electrical Game to most assuredly the NEXT level.


    So we shall start with some deffinitions -

  7. Greetings fellow survivors,

    I have recently joined this land, not long after the last forced wipe.

    I want to say that I truly have fallen in love with it! Thank you for all your hard work!

    Rather than fleeing for my life on other lands - (which is a buzz) this land affords me to pause and think through my actions within it.  I have met some very friendly and knowledgeable survivors that have helped and I have really enjoyed helping others get more from the Zombie apocalypse

    I have also had time to learn most (if not all) the monument puzzles and I do enjoy the rush of being beset by zombies while farming or running a monument.

    To be honest, I have been inspired with these lands, I have even gone back into digital art because of this - ( making rust / scourge themed sign-post art that I am looking forward to share)

    So much so I decided to treat myself a belated xmas present with a VIP membership  - and I am truly enthralled by the experience - don't get me wrong I still dip my toe in other lands (have to keep the PVP skills up) but I find myself wanting to spend more time fighting the scourge, making friends with fellow survivors and really tackle the PVE experience.

    I truly love the Role-Play aspect and potential, and believe me you are clearly doing most things right so please don't listen to nay-saying its a good mix, and a lot of friendly players - there will always be wants and desires it is with this you guys have the unenviable job of finding that balance.

    I have some ideas myself, if you want to know more - please continue - if not move on to another post ;)


    The last Days ( Before the Wipe )

    Is there a way to continually increase the Zombie spawn rate within the last handful of days to perhaps a crescendo of continual spawn on the last few hours before the wipe?

    perhaps all around a monument or role-play structure where fellow survivors can struggle their last few hours of existence against the unrelenting hoard trying to save themselves and each other?


    Role-Play " public structures "

    I would love to see (and help design some) simple public structures that offer an additional benefit to all survivors - weather that be hiding from Zombies or areas that people can meet up and trade in.   I was chatting away in-game about how I wanted to share my knowledge of the electrical system within the land of rust - able to show (display to ) fellow survivors how to build in-line charging and automatic battery kick in (UPS) systems including battery cascades, load attenuated circuits and some very clever traps that can both be employed within the Scourge environment and beyond.

    I have so many ideas ( inspired by RustEZ Scourge ) that I can barely contain myself - so I will stop here ( for the moment )


    Again a big thanks, you have made this fellow survivor very happy to be part of these lands





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