Rusty Kerplunk! UK Survival Event Saturday, March 2nd. 2 pm EST, 7 pm GMT The floor is twig, nerves of steel, Can you survive the fall? The object of the game is to be the last one standing on the highest level at the end. Each player will have a bow and supplies of arrows Careful though once you're out of arrows you'll have to scavenge for more! The closer you get to the bottom the more agitated the bears get so watch out
No weapons of your own! Authorize on TC! Arm up from Box provided Wait for go signal! Shoot the floor out from under the other player. Shooting other players is bad form don't do it. Last person standing on Highest floor wins. When you land on bottom floor stop shooting. Have FUN!
First Place - $10 Store Credit
Second Place - $5 Store Credit
Third Place - 5 Supply Drops (For This Wipe or Next)