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Posts posted by ROFLNATOR

  1. I personally would like it if there were events w/ PvP, not so much PvP monuments, but allow a certain area cordoned off during an event with an alert to all players that "Grid E4 is now PvP, all players must join /event to participate."  I wouldn't want traditional PvP, more of something like a Gladiator Arena where everyone only gets bows, a butcher knife, throwable only machetes, or any other weird weapons.  In addition, helicopter wars where players can do 2-man teams and last team flying wins.  Perhaps also if possible players that can become overpowered zombies vs regular players w/ guns.  I'm not sure if it is possible to make only a single grid PvP during a certain duration of time throughout an event, but if it is, there would be a lot more possibilities for events.  Another idea if single-grid PvP were on for a time would be to create a group of 3-4 teams, where each team is allocated a certain amount of resources, traps, guns, bullets, and bombs to play a kind of capture the flag in which each team makes its own "trap base castle" to secure their flag while raiding the other bases for their flag.  Whichever team comes out with the most flags wins.


    With no-PvP period, I feel it somewhat limits what we can do in an event.  It wouldn't be like casual where PvP is on at all times at monuments, it would only be an event only type of deal.  I've talked with other players who do feel the same way and I'm sure if the community were asked, they would agree.  Any player can opt out of the PvP type events.  I'm also not saying to get rid of the non-PvP events.  I just think it would add a little more spice to the mix.

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