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Dicko A La Mode

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Posts posted by Dicko A La Mode

  1. Alright everyone, here is my manifesto that I am sure some of the hundreds of views on my ban expected to find.

    Just in respect for everyone's time, let's knock some of the obvious stuff you are expecting from me.  There were 7 listed reasons I was banned and supporting information following.  They are follows and my reaction to them.


    Disrespect of specific players and our PvE community in general
    Disrespectful and demeaning comments about staff

        I was disrespectful to specific people.  As wrong as it might be my approach to a lot of the behavior on the server was "an eye for an eye".  If someone wanted to skate the server rules and impact others game play, so was I.  There is probably something to be said here about "being the better person" but here we are.


    Ongoing bullying of players over the duration of wipes
    Continuously trolling a player for days to ruin their time on our servers

        See above, I purposefully sought out to antagonize specific people.  The continuously trolling of a player was also a similar situation as above.  If they felt we built to fast over night, that is their deal.  The trolling was fueled by lack of action on the US Scourge Admin part.  It was reported, it was talked about but that is where it stopped.  I had every admin at our base investigating and the response was always that they needed to talk to another admin.  Yes, we could have went above Spliff's head and went to one of the 3 in Leadership but how would that have went given we were just blindly stripped of a staff role for simply not agreeing with a decision.  Does any of this justify my actions, no.  Again, see "being the better person"


    Instigating toxicity and drama in our community

        This is a pretty general statement you could apply to a lot of your irritated long time players right about now.  I believe when this was written what was probably front of mind was me asking for people to share their experiences and opinions on loot goblins.  I could be wrong though, again it's a very general statement.

    Building to create lag areas on the server

        This is flat out inaccurate.  If I cared enough I would ask to see proof.

    Creating an unnecessary workload for admins with their drama and trolling

        Admin's never stepped in to do anything about my drama or trolling until Aurora banned me.  I fail to see whos time I wasted if no time was spent?

    Let's move onto my comment in Discord regarding "Dat Gamer".  Whether you want to use the terminology "shit heap" or not you need to ask yourself if I am wrong.  He is one of the players I referenced above who skates the rules and nothing happens.  He also spams chat consistently bragging about him skating the rules.  With the amount of searching you did in BM I am sure you can find plenty of others displeasure with him.  Again, see "being the better person"

    Now onto all my chat logs from last month.  If I skip them, see "being the better person".

    7:50 PM 2020-12-30 Dicko A La Mode: ez fix
    8:15 PM 2020-12-30 Dicko A La Mode: Glad I have that shit bag muted
        I was not the only one talking about him in a negative way.

    6:55 PM 2020-12-17 Dicko A La Mode: u giving me a warning?
    6:55 PM 2020-12-17 Dicko A La Mode: nope
    6:55 PM 2020-12-17 Dicko A La Mode: I am unwarningable

        I have never flaunted being immune from any warnings or bans to anyone on this server.  I have more likely told someone I will likely be banned soon for speaking out.  This situation which Spliff asked to test /warn on me to see if I got the pop up.  I didn't just say "I am unwarningable".  But shame on me for wasting an admins time, right?

    3:30 PM 2020-12-14 Dicko A La Mode: after getting away with griefing
    3:30 PM 2020-12-14 Dicko A La Mode: do you grief your neighbors?
    3:30 PM 2020-12-14 Dicko A La Mode: thats the difference
    3:31 PM 2020-12-14 Dicko A La Mode: and no one gives a flying shit about it

        Was I wrong?  Not sure what I did wrong here.  No one did anything about it, it was a fact.  Worded harshly but a fact none the less.

    12:15 PM 2020-12-04 Dicko A La Mode: @just can you help us, someone is being a naughty little boy
    12:17 PM 2020-12-04 Dicko A La Mode: some guy is trying to grief us. Can you delete his garbage?

        Niko placed high walls around the front of our garage.  Did I hurt his feelings by saying "naughty little boy"?  If not, what did I do wrong here besides REPORTING it?

    Now, that wraps up the original ban post.  Obviously there are replies from my friends that I am not going to comment on as those are their opinions and reflections.

    aNoNiM - Should have it happened earlier? Yes, but not months ago.  I purposefully starting crossing the line December wipe.  I also agree that it should be a permanent ban but from Death's stand point on running a server you don't want to push people away.  Death and the other leadership has seen both sides of me.  If I like you, I would do anything for you.  If I don't like you and you give me a reason not to like you, good luck pal you're going to need it.  Sorry my username made you cringe.

    Aurora - The ban was based on my own actions and behavior.  It was a fair ban, albeit a bit lenient.  What I do want you to understand however is that the situation prior is what fueled these actions of mine.  As I said before, I am not saying my actions are the correct way of handling it, but it was the way I chose to.  I do not believe anyone who posted was looking to appeal my ban for me and if you cannot tell from my response thus far, I am not looking for an appeal.

    And finally, Death.  I truly and deeply respect your response to my ban.  Honestly, this isn't some Dicko troll or anything like that.  You are the first person in staff to actually  recognize that there is a problem.  Everything else to this point has been "report it" which from some perspectives is putting the blame back on the player base.  I will also echo what you mentioned about the ban being valid.  Most of the other parts of your reply is focused towards others comments on this so I will let those be what they are.  But there is one thing I want to bring up to clarify.  

    This was an issue for me. Dicko purposely scrolled through days, if not weeks, of activity to find a single ounce of evidence to have this admin removed purely out of spite.

        I didn't just purposely scroll.  I was logged in and active on the server filling in as admin and saw a player in chat ask for "a large battery and metal frags".  Within 30 seconds I saw Virgoth giving him self a large battery and metal frags.  He proceeded to give them to the player.  This caught my attention as he was being a badmin so naturally I clicked on his profile in BM.  This triggered something else to catch my eye, an alt account.  An alt account that "catfished" a friendship with me a few wipes ago.  Maxx had met up with me and gave me a bunch of attack heli signals and asked that the next time we do a big public heli shoot down on our tower to let him know.  I didn't think anything of it other than this guy is nice.  If you look into my BM from that month.  Anytime I called in an attack signal I typed @maxx before throwing it.

    Regardless what you heard or what you want to believe, it sincerely was not a witch hunt.  I guess that stuff gets lost in translation when it flows through a few people before you hear about it.


    So that is it folks, Dicko's Manifesto of that time I got banned.  Take it for what you want, hell make it a perm ban if it helps.  I do ask 1 thing from all of RustEZ staff however - 

    Take being green seriously.  I understand this is just a game but it is also an outlet for people to use to cope with MANY things from isolation during Covid, to dealing with social anxiety.  You don't know what people are going through in their life and their request to have an admin look into something or help isn't done to annoy you or bother you.  It is because they need help.  When someone complains of something, don't turn a blind eye to it because you don't want to deal with it or you are not in the mood.  

    I personally believe the reason other ex-admins replied to this topic in the manner they did is because of passion for this server.  We all put time into it to make it a great place and it was, it used to be a fantastic home for people.  Seeing it in the condition it is now hurts.  It is different now as so many have pointed out.  Blame it on growing, blame it on admin turnover, whatever you feel like pointing your finger at but remember you have the power to make peoples experiences positive.

    Please let my ban be the starting ground to turn a new leaf on behaviors and start actually doing something about all those "loot goblins".  You showed you can do it with me, now clean up the community and get it back to what it once was.

    TL:DR - I am an asshole who deserved the ban and I am not appealing it.  Be better.

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  2. Add an achievement system to gain more credits and promote completing different tasks within the game.

    Examples -

    All T1 BP's - 250 credits

    All T2 BP's - 500 credits

    All T3 BP's - 750 credits

    Take down Chinook - 500 credits

    Run 10,000 meters - 500 credits

    Raid NPC base - 500 credits


    These are just quick ideas and random values given.

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  3. 45 minutes ago, Sararainmaker said:

    And there is the balance thing again. You have to balance the benefits of quarries for those who can't play frequently, to the detriment of making it too easy for other players to make massive bases. Also you have to consider that quarries take away a lot of the (sometimes toxic) competition for the limited materials out in the field. forests would never grow, rocks would be impossible to find, and you'd probably STILL have people who'd build massive bases, and without PvP you are basically limited to getting your resources the difficult way... I am betting taking quarries and pumpjacks off of the EZ servers would cause a noticeable exodus, and the benefits would not be as great as people think it would be.

    The massive bases are only a part of the problem, and I don't even think they are even the biggest part. Player concentration, certain entities (Wind-Turbines and frames) and entity concentration have quite a bit to do with lag. I mean look at Hentai Tower a few wipes back. It was tall, but it wasn't massive by any standards, the major problem that base had was the sheer concentration of different images and entities being generated upon loading.

    Quarries are new to Scourge within the year (Nov 11 2019 from what I can see).  Prior to them sure there was a resource rush but that is Rust.  That is farming.  

    45 minutes ago, Sararainmaker said:

    I could see that being an issue, but if the rules are clearly displayed and defined, for example: "No more than 2 frames or signs per wall with a limit of 30 per base", or "no more than 5 wind turbines per base" that takes away the cries of favoritism, as long as they are applied to everyone. I am not saying give them carte blanche, as that would, in fact, cause issues... just give them SOME way of being able to deal with the issues at hand.


    You will still have players complain that admins didn't check so and so's base enough or often enough.  And I promise you the server will lose admins if they have to fly around conducting searches for illegal picture frame counts.


    At the end of the day Rust is Rust, not Minecraft.  Yes, this is a PvE community and toxic behavior is not welcomed.  But there is still a grind to it.  Look Rust up in the Steam store and see what very first tag is... Survival.  It is supposed to have elements of gathering and that isn't always the easiest.  Having creative and cool builds does not always mean MASSIVE builds.  Some of the coolest builds I see are not huge and completely manageable for someone who plays a few hours a week.  

    If someone still has a problem with upkeep and not being able to build massive bases then maybe Scourge isn't right for them and they should explore Survival which has no upkeep.  Scourge means suffering, make it that way.

    I can feel Deaths eyes rolling at my ban quarry rants starting up again.


    • Haha 1
  4. To be fair Pete, there was also a 10 pookie limit implemented that started the uprising..

    Give me one minute here, let me just drag this rotting dead horse out of the closet so I can beat it some more...

    Quarries make it too easy for players to maintain upkeep on massive builds.

    beating a dead horse wtf GIF


    9 hours ago, RepeatPete said:


    Asking admins to police builds would be a nightmare. For those who are, and have been admins can vouch for me on that one. Then if they were expected to start carving off parts of someone's base - drama would ensue. Admins no like drama.

    As a previous US Scourge admin I also vouch for this.  It would also start complaints on favoritism which cultivates a toxic environment.  

  5. The purpose of quarries was to provide an alternative means to farming.  If someone doesn't like to run around the map and swing a pick to get their materials they have an option to let the game do that for them.  The problem with quarries is that they not only provide an alternative to hitting nodes but they also provide players with lucrative amounts of materials.  The attempt here is to still have some kind of grind to run them.  I think everyone knows my stance on quarries but let's try to take a non-biased look at the impacts of quarries.

    Pros - 

    Alternative way to farm materials.

    Added need for LGF

    Adds something unique as quarries are not in the vanilla game as a player item.

    Reduces issues around people using public quarries.

    A way to farm caps.


    Cons - 

    Provides lucrative amounts of materials.

    Players achieve end game faster.

    Increases the build size and build volume contributing to lag.

    Obtaining upkeep with no effort to sustain massive builds.

    New players don't have a need to farm as stone is freely given away, ruins new player retention.

    Late wipe only entails players logging into turn it over to keep it running.

    Caps are easily obtained which brings in more personal heli's and increasing end game loot.


    If I missed anything on either side please let me know and I will add it.


    Personally for me the cons ruin it too much for me.  It is Rust, it is a survival game, there is going to be some degree of grind.  Change is hard sometimes.




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  6. Remove Quarries from Scourge please.  There are several reasons that they do not belong.

    Quarries do not fit the aesthetics of Scourge.  Scourge means suffering, the appeal of the server is a desolate waste land full of zombies that you have to deal with while surviving.  To me suffering is not living in a mansion of a base with an item just pumping very critical materials out of the ground at massive rates.  There is no more grind to survive within this wasteland.  

    The amount of resources one can gain from quarries is obscene and pretty much turns the server into a build server.  This will ultimately attribute to a decline in player retention as there is no reason to stay for a full wipe cycle other than logging into empty their quarry.  I understand some people don't have time to farm all day but that simply means they need to build within their means.  A stone 3x3 combined with the modded small salvage shelves offer more than enough space at a extremely cheap upkeep cost.  If someone wants to build a massive compound or tower then they need to work for it and continue to work to support their upkeep.

    There are a lot of added side effects of the quarries.  Spend some time on US Scourge reading chat, interacting with players and their habits with the quarries.  People are running way more furnaces than normal, some are running over 30 fires/bbqs/refineries just to generate charcoal to use up their boxes of sulfur.  Materials are basically worthless at this point.  If a new player comes across someone with a quarry they are usually given a row of stone to start out.  I understand we don't have kits but just asking for mats and getting 60k stone instantly is basically a build server kit.

    Quarries are also rendering the black market as a joke at this point.  The amount of material people can sell gives them more credits than they know what to do with.  The beginning of May's wipe will be really fun with 15 personal attack heli's constantly on the map.

    Please put some thought into the effects these have this server and really weight the pro's and con's to decide if it is appropriate to continue with them.


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