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Posts posted by RepeatPete

  1. I fully expect my reply to this thread to have at the very least two, possibly three outcomes:

    1. my comment deleted in its entirety
    2. thread locked
    3. Possible retaliatory ban placed on me for all servers and Discord, since it could be viewed as causing "drama".

    However, I'll take my chances and chime in here. On the surface, this ban has all the looks of a spare-no-expense effort made in scouring for evidence. Chat logs, Discord screenshots and even an admin-hopeful chiming in with their own. You and almost anyone who knows Dicko can attest to how edgy he can be, call it a nuance of his personality. Now if you're going to apply consequence to players who like to talk shit to other players, you might start digging into chat logs on the daily, because I've seen evidence of it every single day I've played on RustEZ. Odd how that's not addressed as thoroughly. I know, folks should "report it" - but you have proven more than capable of finding it yourself, when the need arises.

    Dab eluded to it, I won't. I've worked quite a long time on this reply due to it always deteriorating into my making scornful/snide remarks.

    I will however keep this as anonymous as I can. Dicko had access to BattleMetrics and found out an admin was spawning in resources, providing those to an alternate account and that alt account then selling those resources  back to the black-market for in-game credits. Same admin was also spawning in items to sell for scrap at cut-throat prices, making any shop that would have sold those items irrelevant. Again, same admin spawned in items for players - all was able to be seen in BattleMetrics. I know for a fact any of those actions are against admin conduct in the Admin Handbook. I can also guarantee you that had players known about it, the ones that work their asses off playing, farming, selling to earn credits would have been pissed. We tried to really work the system to earn credits, and it's not easy, so I can understand how bad that is from a player perspective.

    Once all of the evidence against this admin was brought to light, suddenly the tables turned and Dicko was looked at like he was the bad guy. I joined those ranks when I stood by the evidence. I was from a time when admins got away with nothing out of bounds. You, Aurora even told me one night in a voice call, that you wanted to remove an admin because he yelled at a player. Now that we have an admin who has given themselves (alt account) credits, impacted player economy and spawned in items for players, suddenly it's "ok" because it was 1) their first offense or 2) it wasn't actually them, but their kid.

    I thought admins were held to higher standards, but is that only applicable in certain situations or are all the rules in the Admin Handbook equally important?


     "Our rules regarding player disrespect and harassment apply to all, and admins are held to a higher standard in these matters."

    Rules still apply even when someone else uses your account? Is that only for players, with admins being exempt?
    Within the first two pages of bans, you can see two ban appeals that used the "my so-and-so" used my account excuse, and the ban remained.



    Hello <playername>, You are responsible for your own account, regardless of who you allow to use it.



    I am sorry to hear that your brother caused this. 
    Unfortunately, at this time, you are the one responsible for the account. 
    Actions have consequences, even if it's a family member who gained access.

    These are only two of the most recent examples. I've seen this reason used, many times over. That then made me wonder why this same didn't apply to an admin's kid/brother/who ever did everything I stated above.  Meetings were had, excuses made and that's when I had enough. I questioned the integrity of the server and its staff, and knowing it would affect my ability to remain as Event Staff, I chose to step down. You took that as a personal affront to your own integrity, rather than looking at the bigger picture. You left a Discord server we were all in, unfriended several of us, but to what end? Was this a tantrum? A silent revolt to distance yourself from our finding out about an admin who broke the rules? As it stands now, I don't honestly care - it's in the past. Just like everything you dredged up for this ban. I chose not to darken the doorway of any of the RustEZ servers this wipe, and doubtfully will ever again. 

    What I do care about though, is no longer feeling welcome at the community you were appointed to lead. I began my days of playing Rust with RustEZ, grew to enjoy the community and then chose to help out as admin. I feel I didn't do horribly in that position. I knew when it was appropriate for me to step down, just as I did with the Event Staff. You lead by example, and by this example, I no longer want to be a part of something where a blind eye is turned at staff who shit on the very rules they are to abide by. That to me speaks of trust, and that is now lost. 

    • Like 1
  2. very funny lol GIF

    No racism doesn't equate to racism is ok if it's only with friends or hidden. It literally means none. Then the problem becomes worse that if someone stands up for the individual doing it, then they must see excuses for the behavior themselves.

  3. Not knowing the architecture, but just pulling from what I know - I'd try and create something in cron to cp the save file off to another mount, or if not another mount, a separate directory, each file appended with a timestamp. Do that say every 10-15 minutes. Keep maybe 4-6 hours worth, then another cron job to remove anything older than 6 hours so space doesn't get exhausted. You'd always have the current save file, and then have several backups to pick from should the need arise.

    • Like 1
  4. I'll only say this, and I apologize if it comes off as abrupt. I agree with what @BloodyBaronesssaid. You keep layering on individuals to pick up the slack of the current staff, then why are those players still staff?

    A cursory check of Battlemetrics, I can tell you I have 15 more hours played on the server I'm on, than a staff member on US Scourge with 46 hours since wipe. You also have staff with as little as 6 hours since wipe.

    Lose the chaff and fill staff positions with individuals who want to play and help the community as much as possible - it's really that simple.

    • Love 1
  5. I always like how it takes a ban to remind someone NOT to be a racist...even though, it is on a pop-up the instant you connect, and you even have to click Continue to make it go away.



    but who am I to judge?

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  6. I'd recommend you speak to the head of your server. Loose or personal interpretations of rules already defined only serve to confuse players. It's happened before, and seems to be continuing. Hopefully the Head of your server, or a member or leadership can clarify. Rules can't be changed unless those changes are reflected for all to see easily. Not in some buried Discord message thread or forum post, so I can understand your frustration. 

    I logged on to Pure and checked the server rules. EU would match those of AU or US. Ideally they should be updated since building on roads was removed by FP.


    The rule sets for Scourge and Survival look identical:


    • Like 2
  7. @3DSHROOMunless stated in the server rules, there are no "percentages" for damage dealt. When I was a part of the staff, you were expected to have taken part in the event if you were to get loot. Death did have a very handy solution that only unlocked crates to you based on your damage dealt, but I think that had to be pulled back, but it was a huge jump forward in handling these situations. Kept loot fair to those who participated, with no intervention required by staff.

    If you need to view the rules for the server you play on, here's the link the FAQ on where/how to find those


    There was an effort, to make some congruity with server rules, to keep admins from making their own addendums to those rule sets. That way if you played on Scourge, Pure and then on Survival, you would know as a player what was expected of you. Yes, some of the servers do to their nature may have some additional rules that aren't handled via plugin (looting for example on Pure), or j-pipe usage on Survival.


    • Like 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Ougkanoob said:

    I am trying to do Bradley and the cargoship for 3 days now and most of the times ,especially on Bradley, there 2-3 people waiting it to spawn.

    players camping a monument? Surely not.

    I mean, there's a rule that should be enforced, on every single RustEZ server:
    ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas

    Call an admin next time it's being done

    • Like 2
  9. That first week of wipe, you can almost hear the sweat dripping from players throwing up builds, farming materials or taking heli with SARs behind a stone external wall. Fast forward a week, and suddenly the vast expanse is becoming riddled with twig builds. Third week into wipe, you're now playing in a hobo town; twig shanties litter the countryside. 

    I'd like to recommend a more aggressive approach to this blight upon the map. 

    Twig should decay at it's normal pace, despite there being materials in the TC. Upgrade to at least wood or be gone hobos!


    Change my mind.



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  10. I'd like to recommend a new chat ban filter be put into place.

    The use of any of the following should result in at least a one hour chat ban to allow time for that individual to re-consider their ways:

    • pog
    • poggers
    • pogchamp/pog-champ/pog champ
    • omegalul

    Feel free to add any others that make you want to throat-punch someone.


    shocked melissa mccarthy GIF


    If you choke to death on a hot dog, that is natural selection, and management is not responsible. In the event that you are rendered speechless by the surprising taste punch of Spicy Chicken McNuggets, it is recommended that you alert the nearest person or statue of your temporary speechlessness.

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    On 10/11/2020 at 6:43 PM, A.Bourgeat said:

    I have chosen not to lift the ban, due to the numerous violations to our rules and general behavior while on our servers. 

    On 10/13/2020 at 2:25 AM, ThunderArrow gaming said:

    so how much longer have i got to wait?

    The initial ban was permanent. Since your appeal to the ban was denied, waiting won't be a factor. The permanent ban remains in place.

    • Like 1
  12. While I may no longer be an admin for RustEZ, I can say I'm taken back by your "appeal". Disability is not an excuse for poor behavior. Making that statement undoes all the hard work that people on the autism spectrum, their families, and advocates, have done in changing society’s perceptions about affected individuals. 

    I was once married to a woman who had a son with AS. Outbursts were only a very small subset of his behavior cues, so I do have some background experience here to draw from.

    AS individuals benefit from an environment with clear, defined goals/expectations. Here, those are in the form of rules for the server. You agree to them by logging on. Not having acquainted yourself with the server rules becomes the player's fault, not the server.

  13. big fat no for me

    Not going to repeat what's already been said, but this ability will be abused. I've seen it used by players to cheese monuments and even on servers with NPC bases to get to them quickly. Unless it's been fixed, the player is in sort of a no-clip state when landing, so you can almost phase through walls. If that's no longer a thing, ignore that last statement.

    • Like 2
  14. All the while I played, and was even admin...I was never much of a creative/RP builder. I was king of the box base - just a place to hang my hat, I rarely even had electricity. Our admin builds were built so far out as to not even render from any point on any shoreline.

    On the topic of lag, it's difficult to gauge. What lags Player A's computer might not even make Player B & C's computer hiccup. Based on system specs, lag may or may not always be perceived by players equally. There were only ever 2 build types that happened on the server that ever caused me lag, or even a DC with packet floods.

    One of the mainstays of PVE servers is allowing players the creativity to build without the concern that some 13 year old jacked up on mountain dew will come by and level your base at 3am. The core community of RustEZ are no different. Many are very decent folks who just like the ability to build to their creative potential. I personally think if that were hampered, you could stand to lose them. You lose players, you lose server support over time. I played on a server and the owner, well...was an idiot. He attempted to curb the build lag by making some insane rule about teams could only own 3 TCs. Quick revolt and he removed that limitation. In the end, he still attempted to institute moronic rule sets, and lost a considerable chunk of his player base. 

    Asking admins to police builds would be a nightmare. For those who are, and have been admins can vouch for me on that one. Then if they were expected to start carving off parts of someone's base - drama would ensue. Admins no like drama.

    Map generation is procgen. Sure when we picked maps we mainly verified all monuments were present and there was a decent road system. I'm sure the admins could run through several seeds to hope for better monument placement that's more evenly spread out, but they don't have hardly any granular control of it since it's procgen.

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    1. Find base; check who is auth'd on TC and number of players in team
    2. Horses at base < team number = happy
    3. If Happy, move along
    4. Horses at base > team number = sad
    5. If sad, entkill horses in excess of team number 
    6. Wild horses spawn = happy players
    7. Rinse & repeat

    laugh lol GIF by LINDSEY L33

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