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Posts posted by Chinaski

  1. I used to love farming the excavator scientists back in the day for fishing poles, so I would always build my base nearby. I usually build in the desert. The random rumbling of the Excavator running never bothered me, but today it runs nonstop. The Giant Excavator often determines where I live because I can't handle the sound of it's loud rumbling 24/7, since it went 'instanced'. I already asked if the devs could lower or turn off the volume, and the answer was 'no'. I wonder if you can't turn off instancing on the lower pop servers like AU or JP.


    Look at the new map for wipe tomorrow and the prime real estate that will be subject to Excavator rumbling nonstop for a month. Normally this huge lake would be peppered with bases. I'll monitor bases around it this wipe, but I certainly won't be building near it. Instancing the excavator really adds a potent form of noise pollution over a wide area. I believe a solution should be sought. The green circle represents the approximate area of the loud rumbling sounds.


    That is all.




  2. What you wrote is absolutely not true at all. The previous day, three different admins visited my base, determined this player was griefing me, removed their TC, and told me the TCs I had placed were perfectly okay.


    Three admins have already determined this player was griefing me, and have already settled this case.


    After they settled the case, this player somehow removed the TC that the three admins helped me reclaim. It seems that these three admins were not even consulted with, as they could tell you this player took over my area by removing my TC. I would like one of those admins to come in and tell me why this griefer is still being allowed to grief my area, as all three are very knowledgeable and sensible, and understand what happened here.


    If griefing players with TCs and floor spikes is okay, and shooting at other players is okay, and figuring out how to remove other players TCs and killing, robbing and destroying property of other players is okay, these rules should be updated on the RustEZ website. Until then I will play by these rules with my neighbour, seeing there is no punishment. 


    Thank you very much,



  3. I don't mean to be bothersome, but it's now day three of wipe, and the player that first claimed land on your server is still being griefed and blocked from building by the same player that has been griefing me and preventing me from playing on your server since the start of wipe.


    Here is an aerial view of my base in the exact same area on AU Survival. You can see my TC was placed atop the rock so I could build there. This land now has the griefer's TC on it. I need every one of this player's external TCs removed before I can begin building and playing on your server. I hope my other TCs do not get removed by admins or this griefing player. I cannot play on this server until this complaint is settled and this player's TCs are all removed. I'm handcuffed right now by the griefer that shot at me, killed me, robbed me, and destroyed my entire base.


  4. How can a player remove my TC? I figured they lied to an admin to get it removed. I thought that would be the only way. If the player somehow removed it, that's an even more egregious event.  I just assumed an admin removed it for them. This player knows I was there first because they griefed me. If they told an admin anything else, that's lying to an admin. 

  5. Please make sure the EU Survival team is aware this player griefed me twice, lied to an admin about who was there first in order to remove my base. This killed me, erased my base, and deleted all my belongings. This player also shot at me. If these are all against the RustEZ rules, I expect a harsh punishment, especially for lying to admins. Thank you, Lord Yeoldmort.

  6. Last night, I had to call admins on EU Survival, because my neighbor griefed my main base by placing a TC so I couldn't build.  Three admins came, investigated, checked everything, clearly saw the player was griefing me and removed the TC. Later on I saw the same player griefed my base with spikes, and again, I had to report this to an admin. I never even asked the payer's name and told the admins I didn''t care. I was going to be a good neighbor. I replaced my TC after they left because my base was no longer building blocked. As I was the first player on EU Survival after wipe. ALL my TCs were placed before this player's TCs except the one he forced me to move by griefing me.


    I signed in to EU Survival just now, and saw I died and my base was gone, and my griefing neighbor took over my area. As I was looking around, the player began shooting at me from his base. Really a nice person, I'll tell you. Finally they came down and tried giving me something and I told them to speak to me in chat so it can be recorded. They refused. I told them to remove their TCs near my area, and pointed which ones to remove. I told them the admins already had two griefing reports on them and I didn't want to have to report them. They remained silent and refused to talk to me. 

    The last thing I want to do is cause trouble on these servers, but this player and his multiple attempts to grief me out of the area I claimed just minutes after wipe (I teleported to HQ quarry) is beyond the rules of RustEZ. I never reported them after their griefing last night and I regretfully report them now. 


    Again, If this is resolved per RustEZ rules, I am happy to live next to this player and will be perfectly amiable to all my neighbours. I would, however, ask that this player be banned for 8 days so that his base and multiple TCs are allowed to disappear. They can rebuiild after that.


    Thank you,




  7. One more thing I wanted to mention is like I already stated, I claimed this same area of land on a different server. After doing so, I saw a player building on shore near me. I approached them to say hi, but they kind of backed off me. In chat, I wrote, "I'll pull my two TCs near your base", and proceeded to do so, opening up a huge area for them to expand on. You can check the chat logs. Should be the first thing typed in chat this wipe (EU Survival) That last thing I said to them in chat was "neighbor", showing them I was friendly and just trying to let them know, I had no problem with them building there. 

  8. Thank you admins. You have all clarified that I had the right to claim the area of land I did. I did not block the river way, and I claimed the amount of land I felt I needed. There are three other rivers right near me if another player would like to build near one, and there are 8 rivers total on this map. I understand the rule, "No claiming large areas of land" is very vague and open to interpretation, but over the years, I've heard this rule  being discussed with multiple admins because it causes so much confusion. I think the line "you do not intend to use" should be added to this rule.


    I will carry on building on the land I originally claimed, and hope you all have excellent wipes.







  9. I was informed by three different admins on a different RustEZ server that I was in the right and had perfect rights to claim the land I did on AU Survival. Incidentally, I claimed the exact same area on their server, and three admins said it was absolutely no problem. I will be returning to AU Survival to reclaim my original area, and anyone has taken over my property, I will respectfully ask that they be evicted. 


    Thanks to the admins I dealt with. Very knowledgeable and sensible.



  10. I am very aware of the rule that a player cannot claim land they do not intend to use. When I built my starter base, I figured I need room for that, my heli tower, heli landing pad, 2 quarries, 1 pumpjack and a shop. I didn't take up any more area than I felt I needed. An admin that I like very much approached me and told me I need to remove most of my TCs in case other players wanted to build near a river. I explained that I intended to use all the area I claimed, but was still instructed to remove TCs. I did not want to argue with a rule I felt I was correct about, so I logged off and decided to ask here what my rights are for claiming land I intend to use.


    Thank you,



  11. I play several servers, and back in the days of the old fishing poles, I used to always live on the ocean near the Giant Excavator, so I could mine scientists for fishing poles. Sniff sniff. Miss those days.


    Anyways, I was never really annoyed with the loud rumbling of the GE, because it was sporadic, and 99% of the time, it wasn't running. Today, because of instancing, the GE now runs 24/7. I noticed that normally, players don't build withing the GE's "loud zone". I can hear a car door slam a block away, so I am sensitive to low sounds.  I could never build a base near it today, yet I still always live in the desert. I was wondering if there's a way to mute the noise it makes. I know you can't lower the volume. I've asked about quieting the fireplaces before. Not possible.


    In my opinion, as a long-time player on your servers, Instancing the Giant Excavator isn't really necessary on the less populated servers. The limited amount of diesel on a server really limits the time the Excavator can run. May be a different story on a more crowded server, but that's what I've seen.


    I highly doubt the volume will be muted or lowered or Instancing shut off, but RustEZ allows us to toss ideas at the devs and Death, and this is one idea that is constantly swirling in my head.


    Thanks for listening.


    - China

  12. I just got done building my attack heli tower, which required like 24 garage doors. I busted my butt getting everything perfect and armored, and decided to fight an attack heli. I paid 5,000 credits and threw the flare. In the middle of my fight two players began trying to aggro it away from me. It seems like it somebody spends that many credits, they should be allowed to fight their heli (or Brad) in peace.


    It doesn't matter which server this is. It should be a rule on all of them. I have no problem with fighting over the normally spawned heli, but our own personal ones should be off limits. It announces it in chat, so there should be no confusion about who owns the heli. I may be wrong about this, but I'd appreciate clarification about the rules on our own personal paid-for helis and Brads. Thanks!



  13. I figured if RUSTEZ can offer us the white cars, RHIBs, rowboats, and both helis, they could offer car chassis for the players that want to build and fix up vehicles. If possible, you could remove cars from the wilderness, as most players would prefer. Maybe offer them on the Black Market, and they could parachute in? All the other parts of vehicles are researchable. Just an idea.

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  14. These quarry upgrades make me feel like I'm playing on a 100x gather server. I have enough stone, HQ, frags, and sulfur right now to last me 5 wipes (3-person team). The original quarries made us milk those babies until the very end of the wipe. Sure we had tons of stone, but we all gave it away to nakeds and such. Seems to me like the 5 quarry servers that don't have severe lag issues, are paying for the sins of the one that does. These lag issues that were evident before quarries were even implemented on it. I don't encounter severe lag on the other 5 servers like do on US Scourge. We're not all packed together like sardines. I think we should be allowed the original quarries back because they didn't affect our game play or lag. I liked running a sulfur, metal and hq quarry. Travelling around the map to fuel each one up and collect my valuable ore. Just my opinion. I have 100% faith in the best mod devs in Rust to hammer out a perfect solution.

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  15. We have a name for players like you. "Heli hog". Even if you just took the heli 2 hours earlier, you're not going to allow any other player to have a turn. You'll even aggro it away from your closest neighbor who's fighting it for the first time. Keep up this toxic behavior. You'll have many encounters with players just as frustrated and angry as me. We take turns on RustEZ servers. If you'd like to kill heli twice in a row, you should inquire in chat whether any other players are going for heli. If anybody answers yes, you should allow them a turn and get heli next time. Simple, basic respectful actions most of us heli hunters adhere to. Please do not aggro my helis any more if I am fighting them, and me and my friends will return the favor to you. Hopefully, we can be respectful neighbors from here on out.

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