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Posts posted by Banloren

  1. Hello, 

    I have played multiple wipes with Molly on several of the EU servers and he has been nothing but nice and caring. He gave me visitor codes to his base, helped me take out heli and supply me with guns. After we downed it we would ALWAYS share the loot equally to all of those who were there to help. This was the case not only with Heli but with cargo, mili tunnels, oil rig, train yard and all of the monuments with loot. I actually had a hard time building my castle alone on one server because he was offering me so much help with stone from the quarries. Not only was he nice to me but we were in a group of 6-8 people and everyone around enjoyed his company. I have never heard of any complaint about him from anyone and the screenshot images of "proof"?... is that a joke or not? That is not proof at all and actually supports what we are all saying, that he's a good guy. 

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