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Sapnu puas

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Posts posted by Sapnu puas

  1. Some people who come on the server aren't even aware that a website exists let alone a FAQ with rules. We can help direct people there but it's pointless if nothing is mentioned clearly in there. And by clearly I mean super clear for non-English speakers, in a simplified way with no room for interpretation. The amount of time we get scrutinized in chat for pointing the rules out and explaining them is ruining our gaming experience massively and we have been on these servers for several years now.... Lots of points Mousie, Geri, Baroness and Alexa have made are spot on in any case. It shouldn't be so hard to introduce a detailed list of rules on the website that we can refer people to so that regular players don't have to worry about playing police while trying to enjoy the game... I don't understand why it is not an option. It saves the staff and the playerbase lots of time that is being wasted on debating...

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