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Posts posted by NEKO#ΦωΦ™

  1. Before anything happens to me 🤣

    I want to report/ give feedback/ notify about this first. based on my findings.

    This happened in Scourge PvE:
    It is known by everyone "use a salvage hammer to claim back whatever deployables that you own or has authorization to do so."
    In which I took interest a little further. Initially, it was done on my neighbour's fully decayed base, where, the only thing left was a floating shelf and 6 boxes on it. one suggestion given by a player nearby was "Hey try to put a tc nearby and try to destroy it", and it worked.

    After that, I came across a stray quarry and pump jack in the middle of nowhere that doesnt have any sort of structure or tc nearby, so I surveyed the area to make sure it belongs to a player who left the server and etc. but this time, I tested the hammer method, in which, I placed my own tc in range of the pump jack and quarry, and hammered it away successfully. So in such situations, would it be allowed to salvage stray deployables? \

    And if it's not allowed, is it possible for the deployables to be restricted only to the owner who would be the only one to be able to remove such deployables? because if this method were to be known ,these deployables can be stolen if the owner didn't put a tc beside the deployable that he owns.

    What I would suggest is that, there would be a restriction of 'what can be removed with the hammer' or 'such deployables can only be removed by the owner of them

    Picture is the after I managed to obtain the quarry and pumpjack, just by using a S.hammer and a tc

    WhatsApp Image 2020-05-30 at 7.42.01 PM.jpg

  2. TLDR: I know that the Scourge servers were made to allow new players get used to the game and help them practice the basics etc. But I do wish that there can be more PvE content to add to the intensity that PvP has that PvE doesnt. As of currently, it feels like at certain point of time in the server, I'm just playing to upkeep my base and/or waiting for the next wipe.

    Not gonna promote any other server here but I feel that the Scourge servers need to add more PvE content more than it is now. I visited another server with zombies etc and it actually felt like it has the PvE element to it, and has a steady flow of zombies (like the snow biome that AU Scourge has now) and even has scientists at monuments (dealing reduced damage) and parachuting scientists when there's an event (Player's supply signal) and so on. tbh, it was really winning me over with all the constant action and content that it has, if not for the high ping, I would have stayed there.

    Here's the list that I've seen that server has that caught my interest:
    1) Destructible planes, that spawns crates and upon taking it down, spawns Heavy scientists that guards the crash site, in which players must kill before looting the crates.

    2) Different types of zombies. other than their default zombies, they had unique zombies spawning at monuments, a Scarecrow zombie, Chainsaw zombie etc.

    3) Scientists populating Launch Site. Other than the APC at launch site, they have scientists there patrolling the area. I find it rather fitting that there should be scientists there other than a lone APC roaming aimlessly.

    4) Occasional auto events (Christmas, Halloween, Easter) They have it too often but if the event trigger were to be less often, it might work out well.

    5) Zombies spawns regularly in groups of 5 or more and some times comes in hordes. Clearing the horde rewards with a drop (in that server was a huge airdrop present) that the player can loot.

    6) There was a quiz system that rewards the player with small amount of ammo to get by. And an automated giveaway event where it gives very random items to a randomly selected player.

    that's most of the good points from that server. other than some additions that they have, floating drops etc, which I feel shouldn't be added.

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  3. TLDR: I know that the Scourge servers were made to allow new players get used to the game and help them practice the basics etc. But I do wish that there can be more PvE content to add to the intensity that PvP has that PvE doesnt. As of currently, it feels like at certain point of time in the server, I'm just playing to upkeep my base and/or waiting for the next wipe.

    Not gonna promote any other server here but I feel that the Scourge servers need to add more PvE content more than it is now. I visited another server with zombies etc and it actually felt like it has the PvE element to it, and has a steady flow of zombies (like the snow biome that AU Scourge has now) and even has scientists at monuments (dealing reduced damage) and parachuting scientists when there's an event (Player's supply signal) and so on. tbh, it was really winning me over with all the constant action and content that it has, if not for the high ping, I would have stayed there.

    Here's the list that I've seen that server has that caught my interest:
    1) Destructible planes, that spawns crates and upon taking it down, spawns Heavy scientists that guards the crash site, in which players must kill before looting the crates.

    2) Different types of zombies. other than their default zombies, they had unique zombies spawning at monuments, a Scarecrow zombie, Chainsaw zombie etc.

    3) Scientists populating Launch Site. Other than the APC at launch site, they have scientists there patrolling the area. I find it rather fitting that there should be scientists there other than a lone APC roaming aimlessly.

    4) Occasional auto events (Christmas, Halloween, Easter) They have it too often but if the event trigger were to be less often, it might work out well.

    5) Zombies spawns regularly in groups of 5 or more and some times comes in hordes. Clearing the horde rewards with a drop (in that server was a huge airdrop present) that the player can loot.

    6) There was a quiz system that rewards the player with small amount of ammo to get by. And an automated giveaway event where it gives very random items to a randomly selected player.

    that's most of the good points from that server. other than some additions that they have, floating drops etc, which I feel shouldn't be added.

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