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Posts posted by epopp

  1. I see no reason not to make such a thing, many people even after getting the information on how to do things might need a bit more help understanding how things work and I think this Idea would be lovely. Give it a go and we shall help you by watching it and providing insightful feedback 🙂

  2. Hello, any chance you have any more info on your Steam name preferably a Steam ID, Do you remember what server you played on? Pure, Scourge, or survival? and about how long ago you think you were banned? Also, any Steam names you think you might have gone by back when you played would help to look up your account. Thanks!

  3. 4 minutes ago, GrinCulus said:

    Greetings to all,
    TLDR;  I have played for years on rust and have 4 suggestions for a QOL of the servers, I have went into many servers//communities, seen a LOT of plugins that are beneficial for server stability as well as inclusion for ALL members or select ones, and I come to this server to see how it is, add suggestion ideas, and just enjoy my self here since unfortunately the last PVE server I mained on has shut down and thus a lot of these suggestions come from that location because it worked so well.

    1) Base repair plugin;  1 tap against a wall, floor, whatever it is, and the ENTIRE base will repair (ASSUMING you have the mats on your person).  VERY beneficial for multi heli runs, convoy hits, etc.
    -Gives players more of an incentive to cause chaos with Heli's.
    -Gives players more of an incentive to buy into VIP or such for this ability as it could be considered OP in some fashions.
    -It's just better than the in-game repair which takes forever and you have to remember to leave access points to certain pieces so the base doesn't fall down bla bla bla.
    (Fill in the rest with your ideas~ I have ran out at the moment in time)

    2) Convoy inclusion;  It would be neat to have a convoy roll through the map on the main roads, you choose if you want to engage, and to keep it fair for all, only 1 Bradley per team (usually 2 spawn in a convoy along with a few modular cars etc).
    -Keeps things fair so multiple people can't camp the same thing before anyone else can.
    -There's a crate in the dead center people can work together for within the convoy (timed crate).

    -Gives versatility to the server of random events//things that happen and gives variety to what happens ESPECIALLY with the current weather systems, love it, I'd love to see a convoy roll through in the dense fog.

    -Gives a chance to get to know the Brad, along with other NPC's of the convoy (scientists etc).
    -Rolling monument, it comes and goes from you but limited for loot due to 1 crate so it's not too OP.

    -Think there's also a heli scaler too, for difficulty and calling etc?
    (Fill in the rest with your ideas~ I have ran out at the moment in time)

    3) Raiding system; (essentially a LOT of the same benefits that number 2 has) - Buyable raid bases that players can make and submit into a table that randomly pop up and spawn; this WOULD however have mini PVP zones for just the base, but can be restricted for WHO can enter and who can not etc etc etc.
    -Gives player inclusion to make something productive to test build strengths, ideas, etc

    -Gives Mods and Admins a fun project to make a terror of a base to see who can take it on

    -Gives the server more versatility with events and processes that go on.
    -Selectable on either TEAM raids or WHOLE server raids. (depending on the base//setup).

    -Selectable tiers//levels of difficulty to introduce people into raiding or who just have that knack to get out of the system.

    -Beneficial way to obtain loot which of course all loot tables are adjustable within each raid and can be limited for box amount, trap amount, etc.
    (Fill in the rest with your ideas~ I have ran out at the moment in time)

    4)  Another thing I've seen in another server I have loved, is a flood.  Every x amount of time that passes, or randomly, the map will FLOOD and peak off at a certain altitude level.
    -Mainly just for randomness

    -Land locking the server for a short bit while it floods to add a difference to everything including the atmosphere.
    -Gives the server more of a "oh no" aspect when things seem fine and you suddenly need to get to x altitude to NOT drown if you forgot your scuba tank.
    (Fill in the rest with your ideas~ I have ran out at the moment in time)

    Hopefully the vision is at least seen for the aspects that these suggestions could bring to not only heighten the community's strength in versatility but also to keep new and veteran players hooked on the different things that can be done and accomplished.  These suggestions kept me on 1 PVE server for awhile.  Again, just some thoughts to think on~


    First of all, welcome and glad to have any post in this topic however big or small it might be, I'd like to touch on a few topics here and offer wisdom as well as transparency;

    #1 Would love to see a feature like this and find no reason not to have something like this. I am long from my days of building heli towers but this for sure would make it interesting and less worrisome about finding every panel and checking its heath after taking a heli.

    #2 Like you'll see from my other responses here, most if not all plugins on our server are owned/written/co-written by Death as to increase stability and customizability of said plugin for each of our servers. Being that as it may: I would love to see something like this, of course taking into account that the convy could only damage players/structures of people that attack it (I'd hate to walk out of my base and get a cannon shell to the face and have my base be destroyed Lul).

    #3 Raidable bases (Gosh how many times this one is brought up sheesh) We did at one point have raidable NPC garrisons but like mentioned above they were buggy and created server lag/crashes and were eventually taken out with the hopes that someday in the distant future Death work work on his own or work with a dev on replacing it with some custom version. As to when and also when you'll need to ask Death maybe in a Q&A or something.

    #4 As for this one, I'm unsure how I feel I have no knowledge of how people word feel about this especially if it were to turn off their furnaces (Oh dear lord noooo).

    That's all I really got for now, any other questions or what not I can try to answer or pass on or hopefully Death will get time to skim over this post 🙂

    • Like 1
  4. Offender: Ainfinite1 Battlemetrics steam
    Server: US Scourge
    Time: 3:30 pm EST
    Length: 11 days
    Reason: Griefing

    I was called to the server because of complaints of griefing on the build of a ship, upon investigating I found evidence of two players who had spawned an attack heli and then proceeded to grief a player's build with it. Looking at the player's time on the server and the number of hours they have spent here I do my best to try and understand a new player's thoughts and ideas, so considering that I have chosen to end your wipe early, You will be able to play again but not till the start of the next wipe. Please take this time to reflect on your choices and remember people put a lot of time and dedication into the builds they make. This is a community not just a game and we want you to be part of it, as long as you follow our simple rules. Though you have a "lesser ban" than your teammate, note that this is logged and will weigh in on further rule-breaking that you will hopefully not do.


    • Like 1
  5. Offender: TheBaldwinIV Battlemetrics  steam
    Server: US Scourge
    Time: 3:30 pm EST
    Length: perm
    Reason: Griefing

    I was called to the server because of complaints of griefing on the build of a ship, upon investigating I found evidence of two players who had spawned an attack heli and then proceeded to grief a player's build with it. Looking at the player time on the server and the amount of hours they have spent here I would expect that the rules have been known for a while. This action is so egregious that it left me no choice but to issue a permanent ban.



    • Like 2
  6. 10 hours ago, Lord McGuffin said:

    The skins are nice, but so many... Seems to be hurting performance.

    In my case, loading the shear amount of pants just crashed Rust. There's like 20 pages I think???

    A lot of these are just cheap or clearly made in like less than a hour...

    Can't we clean it up a bit to improve performance?

    I am personally looking forward to the cleanup and hope I am able to help work on cleaning it up. If there is one thing I enjoy doing its going though pages and pages of things/logs/skins 😃
    Almost call myself a deep reader when it comes to things like that.

    • Love 1
  7. On 1/8/2024 at 6:04 AM, TiffDust said:

    i like the idea and i hear where you are coming from, there was some talk of horse whistles awhile ago which would be amazing. Did i read right in that we are up to pickles the 2nd at the moment?

    Pickles the 2nd 🤣

    But yeah I get where you're coming from even if we had a plugin to add a map marker when you "left" the seat of whatever your on would be cool to see it on the hud/map

    • Like 2
  8. Seems like this is the best course of action. I know your top priority is to help keep people here on the server and make sure we "try to stay happy". Obviously, removing the VIP Rec is not amazing, but I know you always have something cooking in the back end to work on helping those who support you.

    • Love 1
  9. Offender: ChickenFingers
    Server: US Scourge
    Time: 3:45 est
    Length: 3 Days
    Reason: Harassing players 

    Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198850709367

    BM: https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/916653016

    Player called out that they were being harassed by ChickenFingers. I arrived and ChickenFingers was shooting another player in the head over and over (about 45 or so arrows) Told ChickenFingers to stop, when the admins left he then continued to harass the player.

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