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Posts posted by R4-D2

  1. Offender: CrackkKa bandit.camp
    Steam ID: 76561199101616255
    BM: https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/980811722
    Server: [EU] Pure
    Time: 9:30 AM gmt
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Griefing, player harassment, stealing and generally acting like a bellend.
    More Info (Optional): Constantly harassed players from the moment he logged in, crashed several helis, built on other people's bases and stole from their bodies. Photos are there, video evidence is available if needed.


    evidence 1.jpg

    evidence 2.jpg

    evidence 3.jpg

  2. Offenders: Red, TigerLily and your mom
    Steam IDs: 76561199429190904, 76561199485329762 and 76561199134692395
    Server: [EU] Pure
    Time: 12:52 pm GMT
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Excessive raiding, stealing, building into other people's bases, locking people out of TC and ladder spamming.
    More Info (Optional): A group of 3 (unsure about Your Mom, but the evidence links them together). Spent several hours raiding 15+ people, using ladders, triangle floors, exploiting open windows, etc... 


    evidence 1.jpg

    evidence 2.jpg

    evidence 3.jpg

    evidence 4.jpg

    evidence 5.jpg

  3. Offender: Ralphford.
     https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/1102480704 BM, Steam ID: 76561199358765651
    Server: [EU] Pure
    Time: 2:30 pm GMT+1
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Stealing, griefing, ban evasion, player harassment
    More Info (Optional): Player had an alt account banned by fly a while go for the same reasons. After coming back with a different account, he picked up right where he left off, sadly.
    Several counts of stealing, entering people's bases, following others around stealing scrap from their barrels, etc... All after being warned by fly in the past and myself in the present.


  4. Are you a fan of going underwater and dying a lot ? Fantastic ! Because our new event , Water Maze Dash is all about that.

    What it's about :

    Join us tomorrow for our brand new event idea , water maze dash ! where players will be fighting for survival in an underwater maze full of traps and riddles and with limited oxygen. The first to make it to the end Wins ! 

    Time :  7pm BST

    Server :  EU Pure

    Rewards : 

    1st : 2 Gold eggs.

    2nd : 5 Supply signals.

    3rd : 2 Supply signals and 5 large presents.

    Rules :

    - There are 3 rounds. first, second and third place gets rewards.

    - Each player will be given diving gear and ONE air tank, use it well.

    - You can loot players if they die.

    - Teaming means absolutely nothing in this game.

    - The riddles and traps change places and content every round.

    - PVP will be on, but you will get no weapons, so this is irrelevant.

    Enjoy yourselves !



  5. Join us Sunday in a crossover that avengers endgame could only dream of, in our first ever CSGO event : de_Rust 2

    What it's about : 

    Are you a fan of Dust 2 ? are you a fan of Rust ? Good, because it's a mix of the two. We made a copy of the Dust 2 csgo map on rust, where you will be fighting other players in a free for all. There will be 3 rounds with different weapons , and the last 3 survivors will be given rewards.

    Time :

    -Sunday 9th of August at 7pm UK Time.

    Rewards : 

    1st Place : 1 gold egg & 4 supply signals

    2nd Place : 3 Supply Signals & a large present.

    3rd Place : 1 supply signal and 1 large present.

    Rules : 

    - Boosting outside of the map will get you disqualified.

    - Teaming is allowed but keep in mind you will have to fight each other at some point.

    - Looting bodies for ammo and medicine is totally fine.

    - Camping is fine as long as the round doesn't last an hour.

    - The map is an identical copy of Dust 2, so if you know the map, you will have the advantage.

    - It's Football not soccer.

    - Reviving Downed players or finishing them off is up to you.

    - Enjoy Yourself !




    • Like 2
  6. Offender : Gumbble


    Server : EU Pure

    Time : 10am

    Length : Permanent

    Reason : Toxic in chat, entered a base and wouldn't leave, and has previous warnings by warzone about looting players, evidence of that can be provided upon request.

    9:47 AM Gumbble: go call hem
    9:48 AM Gumbble: did i stole somting no ?
    9:48 AM Gumbble: i just enter here
    9:50 AM Gumbble: i did not thake any thing your problem because you left the door open
    9:51 AM Gumbble: give me weap and i lleave
    9:51 AM Gumbble[76561198352286315] has spawned
    9:52 AM Gumbble: stfu
    9:53 AM [PlayerReport] -redacted- reported Gumbble - "[abusive] Rude, abusive"
    9:54 AM Gumbble: next time mby they learn how to build
    9:54 AM Gumbble: garbage players
    9:54 AM Gumbble: then stop cry at admin
    9:55 AM Gumbble: again cry
    9:55 AM Gumbble: go cry to you mommy
    9:56 AM Gumbble: haha :)))


  7. Do you like football ? Do you like cars? Well get ready to experience our first ever discount Rocket league : The Emptyhad Stadium.

    What it's about : 

    Join us on EU Pure Sunday 12 July at 7pm BST for our first ever team event, where you'll be divided into 2 teams and pitted against one another in what will prove to be utter chaos. The objective is simple : get the ball in the net by any means necessary. The winning team and top scorer will be rewarded, while the losing team will be sent home empty handed.


    Sunday 12th of July at 7pm BST

    Rewards : 

    Each member of the winning team will receive 5 Supply Drops, and the top scorer will be awarded with 3 Gold Eggs.

    Rules : 

    - Any player from any server can join up.

    - Players will go in 5 at a time in a 5v5 type of match.

    - Each match lasts 15 minutes.

    - Take care of your car, if it blows up your team will be playing at a disadvantage.

    - The 2 team names are "The Pookies" and "The Smokes" , you have a full week to decide wich one you want to side with.

    -  For once, there will be no admin interactions with the stadium, meaning you don't have to worry about traps and mines.

    - The cars will be 2 modules only, and the designated Goalkeeper will be provided with an armored car. 

    - Each team will be given a custom football kit.

    - It's football, not soccer.

    - This is not a free for all, don't be selfish with scoring goals.

    - Have fun!







    • Love 3
  8. Do you like car races? chaos? falling off a giant racetrack into the ocean? Then get ready to enjoy our newest event : Rustic Racing

    What it's about: 

    Join us on EU Pure on Sunday for our newest and most likely to backfire idea on the server : car racing! Each participant will be given a car and some meds, and sent on a huge racetrack full of ramps, traps, flaming hoops, you name it ! Be careful though, as any slight mistake will make you fall off into the bottom of the ocean and die. You will also have to manage your car efficiently through various traps that can end your life within seconds, while also dealing with other players ramming you in the rear.


    Sunday 5th of July at 7pm BST.


    1st place : 5 gold eggs and a Flying Piano.

    2nd place : 10 airdrops and a smooch from Warzone.

    3rd place : 5 airdrops and a pat on the shoulder from Danny.

    Anyone that makes it to the end will also get to witness an amazing surprise that all admins contributed to.


    - Ramming someone with your car is not only allowed, it's encouraged.

    - You can have teammates with you, even though teams mean nothing.

    - Getting our of your car or dying means your car gets deleted on the spot.

    - The event will last 3-5 Rounds.

    - Get ready to fall, a lot.

    - Any attempt at taking shortcuts or stopping to block people behind you will get you disqualified and murdered.

    - Always keep moving forward.



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  9. This is not your first offense, but it will be the last. I'll go ahead and reduce your ban to 24 hours, after that, you're free to log back in. Be sure to remember the rules of the server and to follow them, and let us never have this discussion again.

    • Like 1
  10. Offender I use l2


    Server : EU Pure

    Length : Permanent is not long enough.

    Time : 8:04pm

    Reason : Ah where do i start? First, the offender got into someone's helicopter, taunting them on the mic and forcing them to pay 750 scrap for returning it, once he realised that wouldn't work, proceeded to crash the heli, killing himself and the owner of the mini.

    But that's not it, when the owner came back to confront him, the offender threatened and insulted him on the microphone, even using racial slurs. The owner disconnected mid conversation, and offender then proceeded to loot his entire body while laughing.



  11. Offenders : Tokelitty and Randy_The_Gamer| Pvpro.com



    Server : EU Pure

    Length : Permanent

    Time : 9pm

    Reason : The duo entered a player base , emptying it all. And when i say empty, i mean it. Not a single container was left untouched, boxes, furnaces, fridges, you name it. even the plants and water catchers were not spared.









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