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Posts posted by Geri_Atric

  1. Hello rust EZ.
     I am happy to be back in a great community. 
     I do have a concern. Over my many years of being rusty, I know and I am sure you all know what lag is.  There are many ways sever lag is caused. One of the biggest lag monsta is TWIG.
      I recently logged into US rust EZ and was lagged out with in 5 min, after the rubber band stopped I was able to look around. I only had to go 6 grids to find 30 to 40 twig structures.
      Some were just a one square, some were an entire base ... still in twig., with lights, refineries, large furnaces. Now, I get it if a player comes in and sets up a 2x2 and leaves it twig and them leaves ... but this is a player that has been there for many days. 
     There was only 9 player online when I joined , The lag should not have kicked me.
     I have been on many servers over the last 3 years, most servers will not allow TWIG. Some get through it by making TWIG destructible ( the best my IMO), others have made twig 4X decay. Eather way TWIG MUST STOP. TWIG is almost the worst lag on a server, only second to simple lights ( they need to be banned for ever ). (edited)
    Not just an observation
    This message coming to you from the friends to ban TWIG. (edited)

  2. Hello, you may or may not remember me from 3 years ago, I always had a good time in EZ. I actually made the fireworks show for a vidio that was used to promote EZ

    I did a bad thing, thinkin it was ok to take a quarry that had not been used for a few weeks. My bad.

    I would humbly request that I be allowed back onto your servers.


  3. Literally EVERY time I go to visit Brad there is someone waiting for it. So obviously there is no "no camping" rule enforcement. Literally EVERY time I go to do cargo someone boards it after I have it cleared and am waiting for the last crates to spawn, so obviously there is no "event participation" rule enforcement.

    (not trying to pick on anyone here) "Events are not meant to be soloed" sounds like a opinion. Or an easy way to get out of rule enforcement. I play a solo game, so I like to do monuments as a solo, but I am now forced to go with a group? Even when I do take others along, there will inevitably be a loot grabber(s) come along after the fact and grab loot.

    As far as reporting these things, every time I do I get the same thing, "they are community events". So again, the "rules" are not really rules, the are subject to interpitation by players and admins. Unfortunatly I have seen some creative interpitation depending on the "popularity" of certain players in some admins eyes.

    When I/we go to an "event" and start it (posting it in chat) we then should be able to finish it, as we can not PVP to prevent a counter raid.

    • Like 3
  4. Any chance we could have a guide line of maybe two foundations from river edge before a player can build? this will allow food to continue to grow along the rivers and still allow pumps to be placed in the river for water. Could still allow players to place one foundation on each side for a raised bridge if their build needs it (low foundation and wall frames to allow pass through). With the influx of players (US survival) I can see the river banks getting so full that there will be little to no pumpkins or corn growing in the wild.

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  5. I noticed tonight that the fireworks are again limited to 2 boomers at a time. They were working fine last week. I know that there was a limit put on them at one point to stop people from crashing servers but it is sort of tough to put on a show when I can only set two boomers of at any given time. I do not overload my shows and they are spread out over a 5-9 min show, so as not to lag anyone out. Just seams strange that my shows worked fine last week but not so much now. No big rush. I know that there is allot going on this wipe.

  6. it is not the vending machines or the quarries, it is the multiple spot lights and excessive lighting at the vender buildings that is lagging the server down. I get no lag around quarries or pumps, but can not even walk down a road close to a place with 2 or more spot lights.

  7.  To Jack tapper

    so because I don't like your hero trump, you give me a 7day ban? Well that is totally typical of a trump supporter. You can't handle the truth so  you just don't listen. Too easy. not right, but it is easy to abuse your admin rights to quiet a political rival. Obviously you have read Putains booK. I said nothing wrong.I stated the truth, the  truth that jacktaper does not like, so, a 7 day ban over political differences. Really? Is this Russia? Well we all are sure, your president is involved with russia, you can't see that? ARE YOU ALL BLIND?

    At any rate, Jack tapper has stepped over his authority, giving me a 7 day ban because he didn't like what I said about his hero trump (AKA the piece of shit). 

    I would expect to be back in IMMEDIATELY,

     jack I have no issue with your political views, but you should not use your admin rights to sway anyone's views on any topic. I did not call out  anyone or use any language that is against the COC. I Simply voice a concern that YOU don't agree with.That is not a reason to ban me for 7 DAYS, 

  8.   US survival. Not sure if this is a thing or not.

    There is a road built from I18 to F23.  It can not be passed by a horse, the wild life is lined up along the one side not able to continue their journey. 

    The sign on it calls it Luma Road.

  9. I have been looking for any info on these topics but I cant find anything. I hope this is the place to ask.

    When I use the survey charge. I analyze the mine. Where does the note go? I can not find one.

    Do the horse no longer poop? I have been feeding 5 horse for 2 days, I get no dung.

  10. Thank you for the response, I do realize that you are all volunteers and you are doing the best you can. I do apologize to anyone that I may have offended. I was very frustrated with the conflicting information that I was receiving from Facepunch and EZ. I felt that I was not being taken seriously. I know that I should not  have reacted in that manner. It will NOT happen again. I also owe an apology to some of the players that were there and I hope that I can address them next time they are on.

    • Like 2
  11. Really! All I needed was some clarity on the topic.I was feeling that I was getting the runaround from both parties. Once explained I am no longer upset. 

    I did not single out any admins or any player, or call out anyone by name. 

    I apologize if I was harsh. I just felt like I was being ignored.


  12. If you have never had lag issues with the igniters then you have never been in an area when they are being used extensively. I have 18 on my tower for my fireworks show, I can barely walk on top when they are all on at once. They are are like 50 small lights each going on and off 5 times/second all at once. Now multiply that by 50 then you will see what I mean. Yes one or two igniters is not an issue, but we all know what will happen if they do not decay, there will be bases with 50 to 100 that are left on 24/7 with no regard for anyone else on the server.

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