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Posts posted by Method

  1. Morning all,

    Me & Mrs Method have over 2.2k hours combined on RustEZ, all of it on EU Pure and I was Admin / Head admin for a lot of that time.

    From a (ex) staff perspective: 90% of my time was spent initially resolving complaints of theft, that was pretty much the main job for admins before the more advanced loot protection and instancing came in. It was very time consuming. This is the only reason I stepped down when I first heard about the changes, as I simply do not have the time available to do that again. I dont believe I "rage quit" as suggested 😉 . 

    From a player perspective: I don't really mind about the loot protection going, just put locks on your stuff and close your doors - no worries. Personally I think sleepers and corpses should be fair game around the map, but I know that will not be the opinion of the majority 😄 . Instancing, loot protection, VIP airdrops and personal recycler can all disappear for all I care, they make the server too easy and fast to progress. You end up having everything you need in the first day and nothing to do for the rest of the wipe. Without leaderboards or challenges to compete with other players on the server, it becomes boring. 

    The one thing I will greatly miss is the sandwich hammer. I feel that is likely to be the biggest pain for the majority of old and new players. Nothing is more frustrating than having to break walls all day long. I dont know what is happening with decay, because I havent looked, but if decay is removed / heavily reduced then I can see a lot of clutter from abandoned bases being a problem, just because players cant be bothered to spend 3 hours breaking walls down. 

    Its the community of regular players that kept me around in the early days and they are the ones that bring me back and give me a reason to log back in. If it wasnt for players like Plm, Eo, Hum, Woody, Chillman, NonZero etc etc etc I wouldn't log in. I will simply follow them.

    I appreciate that us old timers and regulars are not the focus of the Pure servers, and that these changes are aimed at bringing in new players, so our opinions are generally a waste of time sharing - at least ive said my piece.

    I have no interest in the other servers, I don't want mods that make stuff even easier and auto upgrade stuff etc, I enjoy the vanilla nature of Pure and the grind. I would LOVE to see a server very similar to what Pure is today, that sits in the modded tab as an in-between from Vanilla (community tab) and Scourge / Survival... 

    Finally, I would like to say that the repeated message from current staff that "if players leave, they leave and eventually come back at some point" is really offensive. I understand the sentiment and expect that from certain areas, but im surprised seeing certain people basically stating to your face that "we dont care if you moan and go, you'll come back - you always do. So **** you." basically 🤣. Its a bit harsh lol.

    Anyway, its been emotional and im sure it will continue to be so! Excited to see what the changes mean and with the exception of my beloved sandwich hammer, im excited for the changes and more of a grind!

    See you all next wipe, if not before!


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  2. I did say that it was a long time ago and it never worked for us either, still, well done for trying it 😆

    Regarding the warning policy, its the same across all servers and regardless of items looted - doesn't matter if its 100 wood or 100k scrap - looting is looting.

    Megan will be along shortly once she has reviewed your appeal and will be the one to make any final decisions.

  3. Hi Hongi,

    I have reviewed your initial ban and it does look like this was a first offence, despite perhaps trying to be a bit cheeky with the admin.

    I will remove the ban for you to enable you to rejoin the servers, but any repeat will result in a permanent ban.

    Best of luck, read the rules and enjoy your time here.


  4. EU Pure Halloween Special Event!


    Come and join us on EU Pure tonight at 8pm GMT for the G-Rave Yard Party, Haunted House and HUGE Candy Hunt Parties!

    The haunted house will be opened up with a secret inside to be solved!

    The G-Rave yard will be open all night!

    On the hour we will be gathering for the Candy Hunts - for those who don't know how they work... The more people in the area - the more candy that will appear!

    Prizes will also be given for the best pumpkin carvings (pumpkins will be supplied 😄 )

    Event will start around 8pm GMT tonight via the /event command but you are free to come over using your own transport if you wish 🙂

    Remember when you are done, you can use "/event leave" to go back home with all your goodies!

    Come with your best halloween outfit!

    Random spoooky gifts given out during the course of the evening!

    • Love 2
  5. Afternoon all,

    Thank you everyone for your inputs, they have been noted. 

    Chillman, as a long term member of the community I am sad to see a temporary ban for you, but as mentioned previously there is no special compensation given for time played, purchases made, even us admins are subject to the same conditions of play.

    Michael has given reasoning and evidence for the decision and as no oppology or acknowledgement has been given, I am going to now lock this thread.

    If you have concerns over the treatment given by an admin you can reach out directly to me via discord or the forum, or leadership (aurora, granny) - death is not available at this time, FYI.



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  6. Our beloved PLM has built a fully automated air race course with timing gates, so would be rude not to use it!

    From 9pm (ish) I will be opening the event commands for players to join up and take on the course!

    Fastest times at the end of the night win prizes!

    I will open up about 8pm and run throughout the night, so come along when ever you can!

    • Like 1
  7. What?

    Remember that Call of Duty mode "infected"? Well nevermind if not - heres the run down.

    We have built an enclosed arena that will act as our home for this event. 

    Each round will start with players being given free reign to explore the map and find the best spot to attempt survival. You will be given minimal supplies for your stay, including some form of weapon. 

    After 30 seconds, one player will be selected at random to become "infected" and will respawn with higher tier gear, more supplies and a better weapon. His/Her/Its job is now to hunt down the survivors! Once a survivor is killed, they will respawn as "infected" and become a hunter too - get hunting those remaining survivors!

    Over time the number of "infected" will overwhelm the remaining survivors and it becomes a last man/woman/undefined standing.

    At the end of each round, the last survivor will be declared the winner and we go again with different kits.



    EU Pure. All you need to do is be on the server with an empty inventory (including clothes) and wait for the event to start, and join up using the chat command.



    Sat 13th March 20:30 GMT



    We will have 3 "official" rounds (first will likely just be a warmup) - the winner of each will receive $5 Rust EZ Store Credit.

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  8. Offender: Mayonaise, Butter and BJORN
    Steam: 76561198334626452 , 76561199016983062 , 76561198804591780
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 22.50
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Persistent Greifing, Looting, Harassing despite repeated admin requests and warnings. Ended with stealing a players scrap helicopter and deliberately crashing it to kill all on board.

    All happened in front of me.

    • Like 1
  9. Offender: shadow ( 76561198335903859 ) ( https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/915358126 )
    Server: EU Pure
    Time: 11.45am GMT
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Looting other players bases, stealing helicopters and walling in other players bases.

    More Info :
    Player was given multiple warnings for running into players bases, then looking through boxes, then stealing, then stealing helicopters and culminating in deliberately walling in multiple players with a big twig build.













    • Haha 1
  10. Good Morning Flux,


    can you explain to me then why a player who did what I did (placed a tc in a building) and the player stole loot from another place gets a 30 day ban 

    This is not about other players.


    where I place a tc when their team gave me the material to place the tc, I did get verbal towards the player as it was lies he was saying

    We have a zero tollerance policy for abusive / toxic behaviour towards other players.


    ane you eaves dropping on a private conversation results in a perm ban and it being my first offence

    A) This was not your first offence
    B) Public voice chat in the open world does not constitute a private conversation
    C) The admin involved had just that second teleported over to you to discuss the ongoing situation


    you also said you witnessed me steal a helicopter and crash it when you know full well that never happened and no other player has any idea what your talking about and you haven’t given proof of this happening

    1 admin and multiple players have described this incident in detail.


    also how come if you muted me for being verbal towards said player it took you over 30 mins to decide to mute me and you did not warn the player or the team for destroying my heli or warned the player for his verbal abuse towards me and the threats he made this is completely bias and unfair and we both know it

    I personally put out a PSA in global chat requesting everyone cooled down while the situation was being investigated and resolved. You and 1 other player decided to challenge that request and both got muted directly afterwards for your comments. The situation was being dealt with by Admins at the time and your comments were only causing more difficulty.

    I tried to explain to both of you why you were muted (via discord). The other player was unmuted 10 minutes later as he understood and oppologised. Your mute was left longer as myself, other admins, leadership and discord chat were being bombarded by messages from you. You clearly did not understand the reason for being muted and refused to cool down.


    Now that has been cleared up I would like to address the elephant in the room as I believe you are missing the point here. I suggest you read this carefully to understand the process and reasoning behind the decision and take the time to formulate any response you have in a calm and collected manner.

    You have not been banned for a single incident, you have been banned due to repeated abuse of the rules and your attitude towards them. On more than one occasion you have been warned (both formally and informally) about abusive comments towards other players, which is enough to earn a ban on its own. We operate a zero tollerance policy for ANY abuse towards players or staff members. Whilst RustEZ is a mature server, we strive to promote a healthy, fun and safe environment for players to play.

    When presented with a discussion / warning via admins, your resulting approach has been to be overly defensive and throw accusations instead of listening and accepting any blame on your part. This has resulted in multiple members of staff (who are all volunteers by the way) being bombarded with demands via direct messages and calling out other admins as liars and abusing their powers.

    Early on in the wipe I remember coming over to you and in voice chat, asking you to refrain from using the "C" word towards other players. I explained why this was not OK in any circumstance and you appeared to listen and oppologised. Your words were along the lines of "i understand, I know I shouldnt have said that, it was the heat of the moment" etc. All was good. I left this as an informal warning to you and made no mention elsewhere, so I went out of my way to help you as a player understand the limits of what is acceptable here.

    You chose to ignore that and have repeatedly got abusive and aggressive in voice and text chat. That is not OK.

    I also suggested multiple times that if the team / group you are playing with are not to your play style, that you no longer play alongside that group. You chose to ignore that too and continued to have issues regarding the same group of players.

    We are server admins, here to look after the players that enjoy our servers and enforce rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment. We are not your mothers. It is your responsability to manage your relationships on the server and establish when an interaction is good or bad for you.

    There are many players on the server who never say a word in chat and who you will only ever see running puzzles or farming their hemp seeds, they are just as important to our community as those who are vocal all the time and we do not want other players having to see constant arguements in global chat.

    Anyway, I have ranted enough now, but wanted to take the time to explain to you WHY we are currently in the situation we are. I tried to reach out to you yesterday before the final decision was reached, but you responded with "nah, fuck that". So this post allows me to say what I feel I need to, to you.

    I never want to loose any player from our server, but when a player continuously disregards Admin requests, server rules, and common decency / manners - there is no other option.

    I wish you all the best.


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  11. Good Morning,

    After reviewing your original ban report I can see that this was made due to it being your 3rd warning for repeat offences. With this is mind and the lack of any remorse / meaningful request for forgiveness, the ban will remain in place.

    I wish you all the best in your future endeavours,

  12. 3:39 PM
    Killerant007 was killed by minicopter.entity (entity)
    3:40 PM
    Killerant007: sorrry
    3:42 PM
    Killerant007: i just wanted a goooo

    You can read the rules on the server description if you are not familiar with them.

    Ban remains, but look forward to seeing you reformed on the other side.

  13. Come along and join us tonight at 8pm GMT for an event that will test your skill, patience and thinking!

    Take on 3 different courses of increasing difficulty to see who will be the first to reach the end zone or fail miserably and start back from the beginning to fuel their annoyance until someone gets to the end!

    Points will be awarded to the first 3 players to reach the end on each course with prizes awarded to the top 3 at the end of the night!
    3pts for 1st place,
    2pts for 2nd place,
    1pt for 3rd place,
    NOTHING for coming last (Maybe a hug).

    Looking forward to seeing you all there!
    Make sure to change your underwear before you do join, chances are you won't keep it clean after this event.

    (Rewards will be discussed and distributed at the end of the event)


  14. Offender(s):
    Name - 【F9】R3Dッ
    Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198802597509
    Battlemetrics - https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/853771541

    Server: EU Pure

    Length: 3 days

    Reason: Despite requests and a helpful discussion with admin via voice comms, proceeded to continue griefing in chat and players, starting and ending with him gaining entry and running around in players bases.

    Banned for 3 days as first offense.


    【F9】R3Dッ: i got a gift

    【F9】R3Dッ: its useless

    【F9】R3Dッ: i got trap ar0n

    【F9】R3Dッ: no

    【F9】R3Dッ: give me antoer gift

    【F9】R3Dッ: and take it

    【F9】R3Dッ: admin

    【F9】R3Dッ: can i have pickace

    【F9】R3Dッ: and axe

    【F9】R3Dッ: im stuck








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