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Posts posted by Rain_

  1. I honestly despised the Quarries because it ruined the scrap economy after the first week. I personally think I'm one of the most sweatiest players on US Pure, and even trying to slow myself down I would be essentially done within the first week of playing. I have about 1,500 hours on Pure and I feel like I've gotten my two cents from the VIP, I will never say this enough but I loved how alpha rusts progression was so slow. So I'm all for a harder/more grindy server. I absolutely love the community of US Pure and will never switch no matter what changes happen to the server. I honestly want most of those changes to happen sooner, rather than over the next couple months :P. I feel like vending machines and farming will be more valuable, as well as going mining with a pick. The one thing I will miss however is the Heli instancing, even though it ruined the loot tables, it was nice to be able to steal the Heli agro when someone died and get loot as much as they will (groups of 3+ were OP though due to if one m2 dropped that group would now have 3 m2s). Salvaged hammer will be missed as well but it just means ill have to make sure what I want to upgrade is what I want to be there permanently. No matter what I'll always be hyped for this Thursday.

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  2. This wipe was fun while it lasted, I got a base up finished it and all with a group of friends for once. But as we tried to do high loot tier activities like Bradly or Heli, they are constantly snatched either by the same people or just back to back people putting it on timers. There's been a massive increase I've felt in players this wipe that totally disregard others and try to take everything for themselves. I remember when people were courteous and would call out whether or not they were doing something or actually letting players have a chance at high comp. activities.

    I only played for the first 2 weeks of wipe because I eventually got tired and bored because of the extreme competition. The one time I did get to take a heli when I got to the crash site, 2 crates out of 4 were gone, and it was a total discourage from ever doing it again. When I first got to do Bradly I was immediately called a camper despite being there for less than 5 minutes.

    The whole loot dividing thing I believe that is on servers like Scourge, that give players their own loot inventories depending on how much damage or contribution would be extremely helpful even if its a stretch for pure.

    This is my opinion but since there's so much competition I feel like adding some plugins from the modded server to increase the playability of the Pures would be a game changer, its called pure and all but its gotten to the point where I'm complaining. I've had talks with other people who share the same opinion as me and they agreed that high loot activities have become unplayable.

    This wipe for me has become unplayable since I've felt so much hostility for just trying to give something that everyone should be able to do a shot. (along with the people who decide to build RIGHT out of my TC radius)


    Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

  3. The amount of times that I've accidentally armored something, or wanted to change something to my Heli tower it pains me to just hit it with the hammer and have all of those resources go to waste. I play on Pure so I'm not sure even if this is possible here, but saying as how harder it is to get items here than modded, I feel like it needs it the most. If you could just hit a wall and it gives half, even just a third of the items it would be so nice. You can't normally instantly break one of your foundations without it being built recently anyways in normal game, so I feel like this would fit in nicely.

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