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Everything posted by Kurtis

  1. Well to be honest I still have not been able to get on the server. Tried four times now.
  2. Oh yeah
  3. The Garrison does not drop a crate when the TC is destroyed and sometimes you cannot place a ladder on the garrison.
  4. EU Survival... at water treatment plant. When you go to go into the tunnels there it is half sealed off, if you drop down to the first elevator and take it down the stairs all is ok,,, till you go to go down the stairs to the next elevator. Once on the stairs you can hear lots of water sounds and some the wall are missing. Progressing down the stairs you die and sometimes you lose all that is on your body (inventory, backpack and clothes).
  5. Ahh I now see thanks for the answers folks.
  6. Where do you go to see the badges for this site. I just got the reacting well badge I dont know what it is or for...
  7. Lower there number thats all that is necassary.
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