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Posts posted by Benatos

  1. I see, thanks for the details.
    However I would still like an official response with the current design of the system.

    What about people who quit for the wipe, in the last 2 weeks?
    Here are some suggestions:
    - Being able to instantly destroy your base
    - Adding a slow decay rate (even slower decay for VIPS maybe?)

    As mentioned above and in the top post, will discuss more on this once we have some official information.

  2. Has any of the staff considered adding Decay? The performance is bad for some of us in the second half of the month.
    Also, can someone describe the current system that should handle old/abandoned bases? Is it manual or automatic?

    One more thing, if Decay was considered, what are the reasons it was not added? I would really like to know that (pros/cons).

  3. Hello,

    As I was working in my base arranging some wires, I was blinded by the sun, and fell to my death.
    After I respawned, I trash talked the game and called it a bitch, after which I got banned for two hours.

    Can the ban be cleared so I can continue working on the base? Promise I will never swear again (I was not aware that there's an autoban for swearing).
    Thank you in advance, love the server.

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