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Posts posted by Stormz

  1. A simple rule would be more than enough, ask Before even firing at a summoned heli I'm not sure why this even has to be a thing to begin with. A player should have every right to the loot from something they summoned but I see every day people arguing about heli loot, sometimes it's because another group swoops in and kills the summoned bradley or heli and the owner can't even get a share of the loot because of too many people hitting it. We already have the extremely vague rule of "being a decent human being" wouldn't that therefore apply to taking something that rightly wasn't theirs to begin with? Sorry for the rant but as I stated I see this happen far too often and felt it needed brought up.

  2. Make it so only the team that summoned it is able to get the loot. I see far too many times people fight over them being able to kill it or not. Only 5/6 people can loot them when they crash , this is causing many arguments and it can be avoided.

  3. Offender: QeEzyy 9be98ee5dcdfcc2ef737582b40c5d57d 76561198954324951
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 12:22pm Alaska Time
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Harassment, griefing, language.
    More Info (Optional): Don't harass players please, and don't call an admin the "n" word when told to stop.

  4. Offender: Polorbearman
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 4:40pm Alaska Time
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing and Harassment
    More Info (Optional): Polor found a way into a players base and as they were placing a tc Polor hurried and put his own code onto it as well as the doors of the base. When told to release the tc he refused and proceeded to run around randomly in hopes of avoiding me. 

    https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/925566306 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062337754

  5. Offender: T3rror
    Server: EU Scourge
    Time: 12:10 pm Alaska Time
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Harassing other players
    More Info (Optional): Player was observed by Wocha and myself for over 5 mins harassing multiple other players, after confering with the other admins we decided to bad the offender.

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