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Posts posted by Disaster

  1. Because you can make a comparison to other events does not mean it's the same thing. Also the rewards from Garrison are better than all the events you mentioned combined. I mentioned it because I think it's an easy adjustment to mention some guidelines for Garrison-taking which would improve the experience for newer players drastically.


    Also people who are new to the server but not new to Rust are very familiar with bradley, helis, and rigs. They have no idea what the garrison is and they never will if certain people take it down within 5 minutes of spawning each time.



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  2. Hi there,

    I think it would be a good idea to have a light rule (not harsh penalty basically) about soloing garrison. It is not fun when one person takes garrison within 5 minutes of spawning all day-solo. Their response "it's not against the rules". Well maybe we can have a rule about taking garrison solo...like once a day...and after that they have to wait 10 minutes or something. l dunno it's just really UN-fun when somebody puts a base near where garrison spawns then conveniently takes it down within 5 minutes but of course they aren't "camping". If there was a rule or guideline about this then that would make it more fun for newer players. The loot is so good from garrison but if it all goes to one person (who brags in chat about how much they are making everytime) it gets really old. Just my 2 cents on how we can make this event more accessible to more players and MORE FUN!


    Other than that I just want to say again how bad-ass this community is and the admins especially are fantastic. Y'all rock

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