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Everything posted by MaroofR

  1. Can we come to spectate?
  2. MaroofR

    I'm back!!!

    It's been an extremely long time since I've been on the EZ servers. While the world changed pursued new interests. Then I randomly watched a Shadowfrax video and I suddenly remembered all the fun I used to have on the Scourge server. Well I'm back. And it's good to be back. It's nice to see the community continue to grow and be as friendly as I remembered it. I can't wait to get back in the swing of things and be a part of things again. Lots of new faces. Well... my name is Maroof (mah-roof) MaroofR in game. Say hi if you see me on US Scourge. I've been on the Rust EZ servers on and off since about 2017 and I stand by it when I say this is the best community out there for this game. @Death, you're doing an amazing job as always sir. When you get the time to eat, sleep, and all the other IRL things is beyond me. Thank you again for the great times and the memories, both past and ones yet to be created. Peace guys. Maroof.
  3. MaroofR


    I've been going through too. I land in and there's a welcome party waiting for me... And I thought "The Walking Dead" was scary lol
  4. I head the closest road, following it and hitting barrels and crates. Usually I get a good amount of scrap and better tools/items along the way. If I'm lucky to spawn near a supermarket or gas station I hit there first to get food and key cards. As I approach my desired base site I start collecting wood and other building mats. Usually by this time I have enough things recycled to give me a decent supply of metal frags as well for door locks and other miscellaneous items. If all goes well and I'm not met with a grisly death involving a bear and an unfortunately placed cliff I'm already well on my way within the first few hours of the wipe.
  5. This is a long read, but it accentuates how highly I think of this group. First, let me set the scene. I bought Rust a little over a year ago, after watching a funny YouTube video about the game. I found that the game mechanics matches something I've been looking for in a game for a while. When the price was right I pulled the trigger. My first experience with rust made me regret the purchase, as I thought a safe move would be to join the official servers. After spending 30 minutes realizing I didn't enjoy being pummeled with rocks and spears I did some research on noob friendly servers. With this new knowledge I went into "community servers" I went on a high pop server, and was immediately scared ****less. I didn't know clans were a thing in this game until now. I didn't want to play a game that would lead me to constant panic attacks so I went back to the "research table" and found something I've not heard of before: PVE. Armed with yet more info I went back and found a nice little low pop server, or at least the first one I came upon that had more than 0 players in game. The one person to talked to me was cordial, offering me food and other items to get started. After that the server was quiet. No chat and no people. I did some farming and setup a base just before nightfall. And then came the heli... I never encountered it before so I had no idea what to expect... I thought it was a friendly entity (hahaha). There was no mention of anything in chat so I didn't know better. A while later I got bored and looked for other servers to play... And then I found RustEZ. I found Pure and Survival, and decided to check out Pure, because I wanted to learn the game on a vanilla server. At the time there weren't too many people in game, but something about how well the description was written I wanted to check it out. The difference was staggering. I was immediately welcomed by quite a few people. Happy with this unexpected welcome, I went about farming. The whole while I realized my chat box was not going away. The chatter was lively and nonstop! The "green people", who I now know to be admins were awesome, just chilling and joking around with everyone in chat. Everybody was having fun and it was great!!! I couldn't believe there were actually friendly and interactive people on Rust!! And then came another heli, but this time I actually saw, in chat, what it is and what to do. I'm glad I saw that because I would have died with my inventory full lol I had interactions with players and admins on a number of occasions since then and it was at that time I realized this was not merely a server, but rather a community. I bought VIP a short while later and participated in some events. I haven't yet experienced this feeling of belonging in any game. I even bought Ark and played it for a while because my friend had a private server but it couldn't possibly amount to what RustEZ has become. It's like if we were all to meet in person at a bar we would have the greatest times of our lives. Thank you so much to @Deathand the admins. I really believe this is a fantastic community and can't wait to see it grow even further!
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  6. MaroofR

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome aboard!!!!! I joined for the same reason, the awesome players and fantastic admins/owner. It's almost like we've all been friends for a long time lol. Welcome to the servers that make this game really enjoyable!
  7. Where is it gonna be?
  8. I would say build up a nice base, with an anti raiding policy on pure and survival it's easy to make a very nice base. I've "based" my designs on custom homes I'd like to make in real life, as an example. Also, focus on making shops and shopping centers. There will be plenty of newcomers who don't have bps that might benefit from a rich free market system. Setting up hotels might be a nice venture too. On a server like Pure or Survival I think it's easy to let your imagination run wild. That's my takeaway from Rust: building a society from just a rock and a torch lol And there's always the quest for taking down helis and Bradleys. At least that's my personal "blueprint"
  9. Is that some sort of keyboard dance move?
  10. MaroofR

    Server wipes?

    Thank you!!
  11. MaroofR

    Server wipes?

    Hey guys I'm relatively new to the game with only about 20 hours and I'm trying to get accustomed to the nature and frequency of the updates. Is there a server wipe coming on December 7th? I'm not sure whether I should invest a lot of time building my magnificent base (lol) or hold off and plan better for after the wipe. Thank you!
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