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Everything posted by tHeX

  1. tHeX


    @DarkSide Completed @foxn holla at us in server chat - we'll set you up
  2. tHeX


    @djkillz pumpacj placed. @Natalie Yell in chat for an admin and one of us will place for you. kthx
  3. tHeX


    @eclipseguy completed 1 pumpjack only
  4. tHeX


    @[Mix] Completed
  5. tHeX


    @Aurora completed one pumpjack only @crazy8s completed 2x pumpjacks
  6. tHeX


    @S_K_R_U_B Completed @Murfet completed via Slush
  7. Unbanned, you have a 3day mute for chat.
  8. Gimme them digits
  9. tHeX


    @ScarletFox Completed
  10. Six callers ahead of you Jimmy.
  11. tHeX


    Reason: Troll Length: Perm Steam ID: 76561198264223877 There's more than that, but that's enough.
  12. tHeX


    @Mister Bumbles completed @Aurora completed
  13. tHeX


    @Fantana completed
  14. tHeX


    @CTG: Thanks Murfet! @Murfet: Your welcome. completed.
  15. My job required me to take off, hope everyone had fun.
  16. https://oxidemod.org/plugins/quests.1084/ This could be a problem solver for scrap. I.e. Quest to kill 10 bears for a Workbench level 2.
  17. tHeX

    Group Ban

    Also this.
  18. Lil' Bouy (76561198035092360) F4NT021 (76561198089912920) Samm-33 (76561198289698537) cpjw188 (76561198433495411) Looting/Stealing/Grief Group Ban for association.
  19. Banned for Racism 76561198084204613 Sgt.Combustable 76561198047865301 fliberdygibits Sgt.Combustable: Who wants to hear a racist joke? Red_The_Saviour: me slack: Kadokin: dooo eet Sgt.Combustable: Why can't black people get a good education? Red_The_Saviour: i love dark humor fliberdygibits: I'm easy:) Red_The_Saviour: why ? Sgt.Combustable: They can't get past their masters. slack: lol...... Red_The_Saviour: HAHHAHAAHHA slack: i feel bad for laughing fliberdygibits: very nice Ashtrayhed: wb Drathir Drathir: fliberdygibits: I have more chests than I know what to do with. Could I start a chest space rental? Sgt.Combustable: What is a mexican man's equivalent to college. Red_The_Saviour: what ? Sgt.Combustable: Lawn care for dummies. Red_The_Saviour: i dont get it :? fliberdygibits: Ok.... this one is terrible but here goes Sgt.Combustable: Cuz their poor Ashtrayhed: wb tHeX fliberdygibits: Know another word for Cacoon? Drathir: Wow I didn't log in at night time for once lol Red_The_Saviour: okay fliberdygibits: N-Nigger fliberdygibits: ahh, won't even let me say it fliberdygibits: N- Ni gg er
  20. tHeX


    @pelfer11 complete
  21. bind <key> chat.say /remove You can make it any key you desire.
  22. 76561197990991662 DirtyDave (Troll) DirtyDave: this womans server is borrrrrrrrrrrring MasterChef : дщд Mikejuh: k bye Red_Potato: what's the max water a bucket can fill? Mikejuh: 2000 Red_Potato: thanks! KFCSerialKiller: Then leave Dirty waht did you expect didn't you read before you join KFCSerialKiller: what* DirtyDave: expected u guys to have a ball or two LionelisLionel: bye KFCSerialKiller: then go play out battle ground server Mikejuh: trololol Red_Potato: not everyone is as toxic as you who just KOS KFCSerialKiller: what? KFCSerialKiller: they no Kos on this server KFCSerialKiller: and there no killing Red_Potato: i mean the other guy DirtyDave: cause u pussssys Red_Potato: they just KOS on normal servers Red_Potato: see toxic behavior they just play this game to fill up their ego Mikejuh: don't feed the troll haha, ignore him lol DirtyDave: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [Staff Chat Discord]
      • 2
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  23. tHeX


    @Lil' Buoy competed
  24. tHeX


    @Aurora completed
  25. tHeX


    @hannibal completed
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