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Posts posted by san

  1. Just now, Death said:

    we'll fix it and learn from the mistake.

    This is exactly what I told somebody in game last night. Stuff changes, it changes back, it's an evolving process. I'd encourage people to give this change the benefit of the doubt and don't immediately dip out to other servers.


    I think it could also benefit the servers in another way. A slow down in scrap gain could lead to a higher server population further into wipe. We've all seen it plenty of times, the first week or so is very active, then interest starts to dwindle. Towards the end of wipe it's common to just see people hop on, do their quarries / pumpjacks / GE then hop off.


    Slowing down AFK scrap gain could lead to more interaction between players at monuments and running the roads. Maybe we'll see people making trades for items instead of scrap. Trade a garage door for a couple electrical components or something.

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  2. 11 hours ago, BRO said:

    4. Consider PVE/PVP zones. Make more incentive to actually interact with the game. Some servers implement this by making Monuments PVP zones, or simply have random events that create a zone every X minutes/hours/etc in specified locations that is PVP-enabled. This could be anything from Gas Stations, Oil Rigs, or even Heli events. Get people out of their fucking bases because that's ridiculous.

    Disagree here. I play on a PVE server specifically because I no longer care for PVP. I like that if I want to run a monument, I just go do it and I don't have to worry that somebody is going to be sitting in a corner waiting to shotgun me in the face. I feel like having PVP zones would alienate a significant number of people. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Death said:


    Got it. Would there be any benefit to removing oversize stacks again? That way one person can't take all of the stone from outpost in one go and hold it in their inventory until stone is for sale on the black market. 

  4. Another thing in regards to attack helis, and I really wish I didn't even have to type this but common sense seems to be a quality lacking in the world today.

    It'd be great if the attack heli server message had an additional line, something like "Do not use another player's base to fight or hide from the heli."

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  5. A few situations lately (the last few months) have come up on US Scourge that I feel should be easily accessible while in game, either on the /rules text in chat, or the /info screen. 

    • Modular car limits per group. 
      • I believe back in May the discussion came up that there was a 10 vehicle limit per group. I know this was previously posted, which also links to this revamp discussion, but I'm not sure of the development status. 
    • Horses.
      • This might be a better fit for the /info screen so that players know not to take other's horses, as well as how to secure your own horse and keep it alive.
    • Mini / horse / boat spawning info.
      • I see newer players frequently ask if these spawn randomly in the world, a quick bit of info on this might help.
    • TC ring around bases.
      • I know the rule currently allows for one ring of TCs around your main build to give you a small buffer, but again having it in writing would save some headache. 
    • Attack heli and Brad signals.
      • This came up yesterday in game so really it's the most recent thing that came to mind. Currently this FAQ exists, but also having it noted in game would be nice. I think there's something about it on the /info screen currently, maybe, but not 100% sure. This is specifically in reference to the portion of the FAQ that states "These events are instanced to allow others on the server to participate while ensuring the signal owner will receive loot for their efforts. They are not designed for a single player or team to solo challenge."
    • Body / bag despawning
      • It seems quite common that people are trying to recover their dead bodies / bags hours later. Having information regarding how long it takes for a body and bag to despawn in theory would save admins time having to search for an hours old bag that's already gone.
    • Politics
      • Could a rule be added so that players know political names / discussion / imagery are not allowed, rather than having to be told by an admin? 

    I'm not asking for any rule changes, but as a player when something like this comes up it could save a lot of headache to respond with something along the lines of "Hey, check out /info and read the whatever page." I see these more as quality of life improvements to help players and admins alike. 

    I think this covers most of what I've come across and noted lately. 

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  6. 17 hours ago, alexanightfire said:

    It's no problem at all, just keep reporting and we will keep adjusting, and handing out PSAs and warnings as necessary. It's what we are here for. 🙂
    I am in the process of creating some bridge-building video tutorials that should hopefully be very helpful as well to those who are building bridges and want to ensure that they conform to server rules.

    You can use a couple of our bridges as an example. M3/M4 (single wide tall bridge) and M7 (3 wide bridge) on US Scourge! 

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