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Posts posted by laffett

  1. I mean, I can't imagine it would be very hard, and it would make more sense than the stuff we already got that comes base with the game. 
    You think we could have some additional way of creating charcoal other than just burning wood?
    I mean, there are companies IRL that use electric furnaces to burn wood into charcoal. That could be a function here, or just something we can do with the mixing table.

    Just something smol and simple. Not asking for the moon.

  2. On 1/6/2023 at 12:21 AM, Elixil3 said:

    Our subscriber server Elysium has a plugin that might be something that will spark an interest to you. Its Defendable Bases where hoards attack and you need to defend them off, there is enough of a challenge to them that you might want to think about recruiting some help. 

    Can you expand on this? What is this server thing? What are we talking here?

  3. I'm finally returning after over a year, I've been on other servers with multiple bradley spawn sites, a skill tree, and an advanced  cooking mod that let you get anywhere from small buffs like 100 seconds of comfort, to insane buffs like massive regeneration, comfort, and 600 health for two hours.

    But they just botched their bradley program and went pay to win. So I'm hoping for a better time and returning here hoping things have changed.
    I mention those others and I am posting here in hopes that I can recommend the multi brad spawn, like multiple locations and unique pathing in those locations, and the skill tree mod.

  4. On 8/31/2021 at 5:32 PM, KombatKen said:

    Well this will require a team to script a event which can months to develop and then another few months of testing. But this does remind of some r/playrust Concept Limbo that had some idea similar to this and even some from Rust Legacy. 

    Well.... if you can find a team I'm willing to throw some money at it.

  5. Hells yeah. 

    This is a huge thing I've been begging for.

    Even if it's just a bunch of scientists dropped off at a location for us to storm.

    But I would love to see something like Launch becoming a massive fortress with scientists on all roof, heavies in the streets and release multiple Bradleys in the compound as well as in the map and let them just path back to launch. End of wipe, bring all your gear and launch a full on assault, a siege against launch.

  6. On 6/14/2021 at 2:32 AM, NaCl said:

     would be pretty cool if certain item crafting was locked behind progression instead of just speedrunning Workbenches.

    That would be cool, maybe new levels of the same gear. You could build a better muzzle break which has less negative downsides but only when you've gotten better at guns. Then when you've maxed out guns you could get no downsides.

    You could do the same thing with the other levels as well.

    You could make a better smelter if you maxed out your mining, a better axe or even a more efficient wood burning system. A charcoal producer that is both fast and gives you nearly a 1 for 1 wood to charcoal ratio.

  7. I find in a squeeze sometimes the guns are a little unruly. 

    some of these guys kick like a mule, sending your aim into the stratosphere after just one shot. which really doesn't help when you've got a shotgun wielding scientist in your face.

    I propose some sort of Combat XP system, just like how gaining levels in mining gives you extra ore when you mine, make it so that the more headshots you get, the smoother the guns operate. The faster the reloads, the less they kick.

    but yes this here is for the PVE servers.

  8. On 6/11/2021 at 2:17 PM, rubiks-q-bert said:

    No disrespect but I gotta ask, how easy do you want this game? Not gonna help yourself get better if it just gets more and more dumbed down.

    the literal fuck do you mean by get better and and easy?

    Why the fuck do you think I play exclusively on pve?


    if I could fucking play this single player I would.

    I try very very hard, but I seriously cannot care any less than I do now about the PVP scene. 

    I wanna progress and feel good, gunning mother fuckers down in the military tunnels, popping off on tanks and zombies. 

    I have no desire to get spawn and door camped by racist 12 year olds screaming the N word over proximity while I just wanna mine build cool shit and kill npc enemies.

    Now, I do mean offense when I say fuck off with your whiney "that's too easy" bullshit. If I wanna shoot fish in a barrel by your mother's bearded ass I'll fucking shoot fish in a barrel. I wanna be able to see progression in weapon skills, that's not a sin stop fucking whining because people play differently than you.

  9. I find in a squeeze sometimes the guns are a little unruly. 

    some of these guys kick like a mule, sending your aim into the stratosphere after just one shot. which really doesn't help when you've got a shotgun wielding scientist in your face.

    I propose some sort of Combat XP system, just like how gaining levels in mining gives you extra ore when you mine, make it so that the more headshots you get, the smoother the guns operate. The faster the reloads, the less they kick.

  10. Not really all that big of a problem with times ten increased stack sizes.

    but I would like to perhaps see some decreased wear on weapons and decreased costs on things like C4. Such things are usually in place exclusively for pvp reasons. And without pvp some of these limits are a little... bleh.

    • Like 1
  11. I don't care too much on how you do it, but I would love to get more enemies to fight.

    Know how there's instances of one scientist walking in circles with a geiger counter?
    How about a group of four of them and one heavy?

    How about more scientists wandering around monuments, monuments with many more zombies. 

    I don't much care what, I just love fighting tons and tons of PVE elements. Sweeping through an area with a team and killing off tons of these guys. It's a lot of fun. Something where you don't have to use up tons of explosives and rockets just to achieve something and someone's already done it by the time you get there and you have to wait ten fucking hours for the next one.

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  12. It's something that would require a lot of effort, but I would love to see a sort of monster or something, something that appears only at night, hard to kill.

    Something akin to a biological Bradley.

    I mean, there's zombies and such, why not make a big ole boy, some crazy abomination we gotta gun down and hack apart. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Death said:

    @laffett I think the first step to your political rabbit hole would be to understand that "retard" and "retarded" have completely different meanings. None of which have a use online, less, of course, you're having a technical discussion about engineering or medicine.

    Retarded slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development
    Retard to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment


    It's easy for you and me to see no problem with it because we were never personally affected by it. The whole movement behind removing the word from our day-to-day vocabulary is to give one less word for children to throw around and hurt people with. Kids are extremely mean, just in case you forgot.

    To us, it's just a simple word, but when that simple word can ruin the day of someone who already struggles to be happy with life, why does it have to be so political just to NOT use it?

    The moral of the story is, no one is forcing you to do anything. You can either follow server rules, I.E no disrespect or harassment, or you can play elsewhere. I think your past few replies are evidence that this isn't a matter of expressing your feelings, rather than using it as an opportunity to insult and offend people. Either way, this should end here. We've expressed our stance on the matter so you're free to align yourself with the standards of our community or move along.

    If literally anyone here is to be offended by it it's exclusively me. 

    And I am more offended on your stance on the subject. And even more so that you're so dismissive of my pain, refusing to acknowledge how offensive you are being and just lording your authority over the subject.

    This behavior is vile and utterly disgusts me.

  14. I think the big problem here is mostly that the owners of the servers get literal actual cash every time someone buys from the store, so limiting that is something they don't want to do, so we should try and propose AROUND that so we can improve the game and the servers don't lose any revenue.

    This is our most likely path to success.


  15. 10 hours ago, rubiks-q-bert said:

    Out in the real world, you can't stop people from saying certain things. Here, we can. Simple as that. I'm not personally offended by it. I do have thick skin. I'm just an advocate for others and the fact that certain words shouldn't be used no matter the context. Pick a different word. 

    That's retarded, sorry... it's just retarded...

    Why would you break your back bending over backwards trying to coddle people.

    I personally am VERY offended that you would even consider me and people like me so fragile that we can't handle a fucking word... air whistling past meat. 

    Do NOT fucking condescend me or people like me. We aren't made of fucking glass, your every announcement that you're walking on eggshells is fucking rubbing our pain and disability in our fucking faces.

    You really want to do what's best for us, treat us like everyone else. That's all we want.

  16. 12 hours ago, Khaelum said:

    I appreciate your service to our country, but you don't get a pass nor are you the final authority on a word because you suffered a brain injury in the military. Together, if we can help rid our community of hate speech and derogatory behavior, why wouldn't we? Do you condone or even prefer toxic environments?

    The 'r' word in question is viewed as demeaning and insulting. Plain and simple. There are many other words in our language that are no longer acceptable.

    Are you going to try to justify the use of the 'n' word or 'f' words too? 

    Times change, words die. Let it go.



    Kiddo, the word Retard means "regressed" you can have retarded growth and it means you didn't grow as much as you biologically should have. 

    hate speech doesn't exist within the context of a criminally punishable word. Unless you want to lobotomize the entire world population please just shut up about it. I know you think you're doing what's right but all you are doing is crying that you can't police and control people's thoughts.

    I get it, you have an external locust of control and you don't want to, so instead of standing up for yourself and becoming an individual you are living through another's cause and trying to force people into doing what you want because it's the only way you'll ever feel even a modicum of power or control.

    Look, in order for you to be offended by someone you first have to actually value their opinion. Otherwise you spend your whole life trying to control the world you have literally zero influence on.

    I'm sorry you're like this, but please for your own sake... get over yourself.

    If I, the person who has the brain damage can do it, you certainly can. And if you can't I'm sorry but that puts you below someone with brain damage. Maybe the internet isn't for you if words cause you so much pain.

    It's always good to try and be pleasant, but trying to force people to do what you want under any guise is still forcing people and most of the time is worse than this nonsense you're getting offended over.

    So yes... please... get over yourself. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, rubiks-q-bert said:

    Just saying that on Pure, pumpjacks aren't upgradeable so some people may need or want more than 1. On the other two types, yeah 1 should be enough since you can upgrade it to 10. Some people just use it for net worth. Mines only a 2 and still plenty to run quarries and keep itself replenished.

    I did forget to address that. Yeah, if you could just upgrade pumpjacks up past five... I mean, I have no problem with it so long as you only have one and it's not lagging me to shit, but still.... I am confused as to how you need thousands upon thousands of times more fuel than you could ever spend.

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  18. 3 minutes ago, rubiks-q-bert said:

    Kinda depends on what server. Pure, 1 pumpjack may not suffice depending on what you're doing but on Scourge and Survival where you can upgrade it to 10 now, for sure. 

    I have one singular level 3 pumpjack, I give away fuel CONSTANTLY, I use it in every quarry, I make excess medicine, and use it to light my house and I still have an excessive overabundance at the end of wipe. What could you possibly be doing that requires that much fuel?

  19. 7 minutes ago, rubiks-q-bert said:

    Just stop... It's an offensive word. Don't need to say anything more.

    I am highly offended every day and told to just get over it by people like you. Is this just going to be a one way street where you get your desires catered to and I'm told to fuck off?

    Look, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, you can't just strike down everything. You gotta have some thick skin.

    Speaking as someone who literally has a traumatic brain damage from the military and suffers debilitating mental effects from said injury, as possibly one of the very few here that "should be offended by the word" This whole thing is fucking retarded.

    • Like 1
  20. I know it might be a little controversial but I love to think of really going out with a bang.

    I propose that the day or night before wipe, crank up the zombie and scientist spawns like crazy. spawn Bradley in two or more random locations, we've been stockpiling all month, give me something to use my ammo on.

    I wanna kill ten zombies with one grenade. I wanna feel like my base is under siege by NPCs

  21. There's a big lag problem in the Aussie server as some people just have like a thousand pumpjacks all in one tiny area.

    then those people usually whine bitch and moan about windmills or something either in utter denial or just trying hard to pretend it's not them causing the lagging but everyone else.

    I HIGHLY  support putting a limit on how many physical moving objects you can have in game on your base. Pumpjacks windmills and the like. One pumpjack is all you will ever really need, windmills aren't really a problem, but we could limit them to two or three. per base.

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  22. No baiting, it was a legitimate question. And if the R word is what I think it is, then advocating for it's removal IS political discourse.

    Trying to force political correctness. 

    You can't make a political statement and then go crying to the mods when someone responds. If political discourse is not allowed which I am highly in favor of. Then this topic needs to be deleted immediately.

  23. Now, I bloody LOVE this server, don't have to worry about raiding or any of that nonsense, but I would love to see a little more into the combat side of things.

    I simply love seeing the new monuments, starlight reactor, underwater observatory. These things just tickle me pink.

    But I would love to see more. Maybe the occasional small building, campsite or bunker. Doesn't even have to have good loot in it, I just want a good fight. 

    And Bradley, Bradley is a highly coveted fight. People, myself included would line up and wait for hours if waiting was allowed. 
    I don't even really take much from Bradley either, I would love to see Bradley spawn at an additional site. Maybe we could have it start spawning at airfield. Lots of unused room there and without the rooftops, the fight would be much more challenging.


    And perhaps roving patrols on the road could be a thing. Normal scientists, heavy scientists. You could even have fun with it. Normal scientists but if you don't kill them all within 40 seconds, heavy scientists deploy on their location.

    I know it's asking a lot, but I have faith in you guys, I've seen what you've been doing here and I love it, it's beautiful and I really hope for more.

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