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Kuma Kuma

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Posts posted by Kuma Kuma

  1. Dear good sir, please accept my sincere apology for not adhering to the rules. I knew that stealing and griefing was not allowed, and I apologize for acting as though I am above the rules that everyone must follow. Please let me join your server. It's true that I'm broke the rules. I'm the one stealing the neighbours. I'm the one exploit the TC coverage. Once again, I'm sorry for my behavior.

    p/s sorry for my English cause it is not my first language and i hope you understand my explanation

    FYI, I already post my appeal Horsing_People's thread 

    . I didn't realized there are thread for each banned cases. 

    Please forgive me and let me join my friends at this server. Thanks

  2. Dear good sir, please accept my sincere apology for not adhering to the rules. I knew that stealing and griefing was not allowed, and I apologize for acting as though I am above the rules that everyone must follow. Please let me join your server. It's true that I'm broke the rules. I'm the one stealing the neighbours. I'm the one exploit the TC coverage. Once again, I'm sorry for my behavior.

    p/s sorry for my English cause it is not my first language and i hope you understand my explanation

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