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  • DC on large excavator causing movement issues

    • Closed

    Client crashed while on the moving arm of excavator, and the server still thinks I'm standing on it, even though the admin "center of the map" feature moved me, so when i log in now I am being pulled across the terrain with no input from myself. Is there some way to reset me, or de-parent from that monument in order to regain control of myself? tried navigating back there and no-clipping on the excavator again to see if it reset my positioning and movement. Currently unable to log in without being dragged across terrain with no control input on my part.

    Priority: Medium Server: surge

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    I was just going to add to this because there is additional information on this. If you are standing on the moving arm of the excavator while visible and with noclip off, go invisible and then noclip and you will move with the arm no matter where you go. In addition to that, even though you will have the invisible icon, you can be seen by other players. to correct it, I went visible again and that stopped the movement

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  • Status Definitions

    Pending = We are still working on this report.

    Working = The issue is currently being looked into by a developer.

    Fixed = The issue has been fixed and the resolution will be available in the next version.

    Released = The fix has been released and is now live.

    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.

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