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  • Fish Traps (US Survival)

    The fish traps barely work while they are automated, it took me 2 days to catch only 2 small trouts and around 5 of the other fishes and 20 minnows.


    I do hear the fish traps making noise, as if they caught something but every time I go to check there is nothing caught.

    Server: Survival

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    AU Survival same thing. Traps make the noise and animation like there is something in there but nothing gets transferred to the storage crate and nothing is caught in the trap itself when I look.



    I figured this issue out on US Survival. Its still a semi-manual task, however what you'd need to do is manually interact with the fish trap window I.E open/close it. This will stop the splashes, and the fish trap will be ready to catch again, keep doing this and the trap will keep catching. The only automated part unfortunately is the harvesting of the fish, hopefully this does get addressed.

    • Staff


    Changed Status to Released

    Changed Commit to 9adbd04

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  • Status Definitions

    Pending = We are still working on this report.

    Working = The issue is currently being looked into by a developer.

    Fixed = The issue has been fixed and the resolution will be available in the next version.

    Released = The fix has been released and is now live.

    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.

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