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Halloween Feud

Event details

This event begins 11/01/2022 and repeats every day until 11/01/2022

Server: US Pure          Date: Monday October 31st & Tuesday November 1st            Time: 9:00pm (eastern)          Event: Halloween Feud


Everyone is welcome no matter the server you main on...come have some fun on US Pure! 

Put your trivia skills to the test and join us for a Halloween edition Family Feud!

Everything will be supplied and given soon as you type /event join in chat. (You must be naked with a clear inventory)


How to Play:

Each round will start with a face-off. The first player from each team will come to the front of the room to the buzzers. After the question is read, the first player to hit the buzzer has 5 seconds to give their answer.

The goal is to get the top answer on the board. If whomever is doing the face-off doesn't get the top answer, the other team gets a guess and can try to steal the question by getting an answer higher up on the board. If they do get the top answer, the team can choose to pass or play the round.

Pass if you don't think you can get all the answers, play if you think you can. Each round, a different player on the team will take their turn in the face-off.

If you choose to play the round, we will go down the line of the team and each person will have 5 seconds to come up with an answer to the prompt. If the answer is on the board, it will be revealed. If it is not on the board, the team will earn a strike.

If a team gets all of the answers uncovered, they win the points for the round. If they get three strikes, the question goes over to the other team.

The other team can all confer as a group to come up with one single answer they think is on the board. If it is, they win the revealed points for the round. If it isn't, the revealed points go to the original team.

Two teams will play at a time, consisting of 3-5 players each. Feel free to come as a group to play together or as a solo player and join another team, all are welcome!



The winning players will each receive 1 Golden Egg


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