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Banned AU Scourge: Muswashen

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Offender: Muswashen    
Meta info: Steam | Battlemetrics 
Server: AU Scourge
Time and Date: Monday, 27 December 2019 1:15 AM AEST
Length: Permanent
Reason: Theft - Stealing diesel from other players (while it was in the engine at Large Excavator)
Evidence:  Two players had cleared the Large excavator and had placed 23 diesel in the engine. The then decided to go drop loot home when they heard shooting starting up at the large excavator. The flew in on their minicopter they saw there was two players there, as they went to confront the players, the players teleported away. The Large Excavator stopped as the diesel had been taken.

I checked the lootlog on the Large excavator and the last player to access it was Muswashen:

Muswashen then logged off the server at 1:01 AM AU time (different to server time shown in picture above).
He did not have any diesel on him but when I searched the base I looked into the TC and there was 15 diesel in there - the last player to access that TC was another player.

We are still uncertain who the second player was that participated in the theft.



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