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Electronics - 101 ( Source, Store & Load ) Part 2


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In this Part 2 we will discuss Charge & Store and Load & Integration, that is to say, building a circuit that will have a store of power kick-in ( come online ) when power generation has failed or halted.

This part assumes you already know how to layout your "Source" for power generation and is aimed at an intermediate level of knowledge. However I am sure that plenty of begingers will enjoy some of this information too.. if not I have a RayKay..... and I am not afraid to use it ;).


So let me show you this circuit - don't planic I will explain as we go through it, also this circuit is available to play with on Rustician.


e.g. - U.P.S. ( Uninterrupterble Power Supply ) Circuit



In the above example I have introduce two new concepts, CHARGE and INTEGRATION - I should also point out that SOURCE is considered to be 10 Large Solar Panels with the maximum output per panel - I should point out, that will NEVER be the case.

Edited by Zetronus
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It's been a few months since the electricity update where you don't need to block the output of the battery for it to charge, this simplifies the circuit.

As long as your input on the battery higher than your output it will charge during the day and discharge during the night (solar panels as source). The time remaining also depends on how much output you are using. You can even root combine batteries now.

I've setup and combined 600 units of power with battery backup at night, that was all root combined into 1 line. to open and close garage doors

Edited by aNoNiM
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@aNoNiM - Thanks for the heads up - I have been plugging this circuit ( no pun intended ) for the longest.

To be fair though, the Battery ( Store ) doesn't charge as fast when you add "LOAD" directly to it.  In terms of Rusts "Electrical Methodology" it pays to add a couple of components for a nominal cost to improve the overall efficiency of the circuit.

With that in-mind a simple Charge Store when Excess Source and Discharge Store with Sounce Fail is a great way to learn a little of the developers thinking.


Once you have this idea down its easier to grasp cirdcuit Logic e.g. "AND" "OR" "XOR" and "FLIP FLOPS" which will be "Electroncis 202" 😃


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Circuit Synopsis

Tthe above circuit performs two functions

  1. "Charge" the STORE from SOURCE and
  2. "Dissipate" the STORE to LOAD when SOURCE isn't available.

It performs this task using 4 components,

  • 2x Electrical Branches (eBranch) in series
  • 1x Blocker
  • 1x OR Gate


Pro Tip:

  • In the Above example, there is a "Counter" that is set to display the power from SOURCE - this component is SET to show PASS-THROUGH - saves constantly checking SOURCE input with the Electrical Tool


The Charge Circuit : Detail

The Charge Circuit has only one function - to Charge the Store while there is Source Power and to stop any STORE discharge while doing so.  The moment of SOURCE fail is the time to Dis-Charge the STORE.

We assume a power input Power of 200 Units from Source - After the "Counter", see pro-tip abovem we then we get to the first eBranch of the series

We have set this to 100 Units of power to be taken off to the Circuit and that leaves us 98 Units of Power to go into the last eBranch of the Series and it is this eBranch that is set-up to do two things,

  1. Charge STORE while there is SOURCE Power
  2. Allow STORE to discharge when SOURCE Power is no longer available.


Using the Right most Output of the eBranch ( known as pass-through - what is left over from what is Branch'ed Out ) we apply this to the Battery ( STORE ) Input - this provides 94 points of Power to the STORE to Charge.

The left most output of this eBranch ( Branched Power ) is SET to 3 Units of power and that is applied to the BLOCKING Input of the Electrical Blocker.  While the BLOCKER only needs 1 Power Unit on this input to do its Job, the eBranch has a minimum set output of '2' - However this is SET to '3'.  This is due to habbit, as this charge-circuit is easily epanded, and that extra power unit does indeed get used elsewhere.


So that is how the circuit Charges and holds STORE while there is power comming from SOURCE, next we get to talk about INTEGRATION



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