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New Neighbor on US Scourge...


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Start of the wipe, me and 3 friends built a house in Y23, kinda halfway up a hill. Sometime within the last few days, we've had a new neighbor build closeby, but a little further down our hill. That neighbor decided to build a Heli Tower on their house, and height-wise, this tower intersects with the upper levels of my house. My house, mind you, is made of wood, and has several elements that were left in the open outside.


I have reason to believe that my new neighbor, fighting the heli in their tower, has managed to inadvertently damage my house. Most noticably, I came online today and am missing 34 out of 36 water barrels that were on my roof, and the remaining 2 barrels were heavily damaged (I picked them up with a salvaged hammer to keep from losing them). I also noticed damage to some Lights and Fluid Switches & Pumps, on the same side of my house.


What exactly are the rules regarding Heli fights near or around someone else's bases, and how does that effect me and my living situation here? It seems to me like my neighbor has caused undue damage to my property, and I'd personally like for them to be asked to make a Heli Tower somewhere else (somewhere higher up, and where the Heli isn't going to loose a stray rocket into the heart of my home...).


Edit: Would like to mention that this neighbor lives very close, and we could maybe squeeze a single TC into a small gap between building zones, if we're lucky.

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