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US Pure Ban - 󠁳⁧⁧Ṧựƞỉ

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Offender: 󠁳⁧⁧                          󠁳⁧⁧                                󠁳⁧⁧Ṧựƞỉ             Steam Profile       Battlemetrics
Server: US Pure
Time: 2:29 pm Eastern - Nov.7 2021
Length: Permanent
Reason: Raiding/Griefing
More Info (Optional): This player Raided numerous bases along with a teammate. This player altered, destroyed and stole with no regard to the progression of others or the servers rules and policies. Upon speaking to the team leader they both knew that this was a PVE server and what they were doing was wrong and did it anyway. Because of this knowledge a permanent ban has been put in place.

Due to the vast amount of players affected and the numerous logs I will only post some. More/All available upon request.











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Hello! I wish to appeal for me and my friend.
Currently me and my friend are very new to Rust and you can check our hours. We were trying out many servers recently and had yours confused with another that allows both raiding and PvP to newbies. I was attacked by a scientist early on and convinced us both we logged back there.
He was not showing disregard but more so mistakenly explained why on the idea of what we did if the above statement had been correct.
We are sorry for the misconception on our end and would like to properly play your server. We have yet to find a welcoming PvE server and can't PvP.

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As I appreciate your apology your teammate/team leader admitted to me that knowing what you were both doing was wrong it was "fun" and "fun while it lasted" You both have put your enjoyment above the progression of others and in complete disregard to the servers rules. When joining the server the rules are posted on the join/connect page, on our website, discord, in-game using /rules and in many PSA's posted throughout the day/night.

Given the vast amount of damage and discourse you both have caused I am rejecting your appeal at this time.

I truly hope you find a server that is more suited to your play styles.

- Northstarz

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I must insist and restate I only joined your server once and missed the entry page as I thought I was joining another. You can check my account I am new to this game as was given a definitely incorrect idea of PvE based on the first server we join and left.
My teammate is awkward and has a hard time dealing with confrontation. He did not express enjoyment and did apologize. I was in the call when you were talking to him.
He did not make a hassle for you and complied with all your instructions after he/we knew what we did was wrong. He also mentioned who we had bothered with our mistake as to aide you and be transparent in said mistake.

You told him that you reviewed all the logs and based on that were issuing a warning. I was looking forward to talking to you when I got back as I was away getting my school computer repaired and was talking to him in the mean time. This was my mistake for having made the assumption of where we were. We are both new and made a poor mistake.

Ultimately it is your decision and I will respect it. I would like to know why you voided your warning and decided instead to ban us same day without us having committed any further infractions, roughly within a few hours before I was able to rejoin; I'd like to understand the change in decision is all, thank you.


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As stated From my previous reply: 

The vast amount of damage and discourse you both have caused on our server...everything from Raiding/Stealing- Base and player griefing and the complete disregard for the posted rules and policies on our Join page, in-game when typing /rules, Our discord, Our website and the PSA's posted in-game give clear instruction that Raiding, Stealing, Griefing are all against the rules.

At the time of the warning It was a couple players that I was aware of, after speaking to your team leader and further investigations It was many more players who were affected greatly by both of your actions. 

I truly hope you both find a server better suited to your play styles and only wish you all the best in your gaming endeavors at this time it will not be on our servers and your appeal is still rejected.

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You had stated to my teammate upon him logging in and issuing the warning that you had reviewed all the logs and knew all we had done.
You had let him free and gave him a suit to depart with and he decided to leave and wait for me to talk to you. I don't feel like your explanation is truthful; if you had a lapse in judgement I'd appreciate you just said so but according to your own words you said you knew what happened and decided to warn us.

We were not apart of your Discord, your website and did not see PSA's other then welcome messages in the chat iirc. I know this server means the world to you and you are aware of its ins and outs but us just having joined we were unaware of all the auxiliaries and were unaware of what was on the join page from the ones we slipped passed it. Rust is not optimized and our computers have a hard time loading it.
(Offtopic but how much RAM would you recommend for a system to properly run this game when your server becomes that populated?)

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Thanks once again for participating in the appeals process. 

At this time the decision to reject your appeal has already been made and the ban will remain in place.

When joining any server be sure to read the rules of the server so this unfortunate instance isn't replicated in your future gaming endeavors.

I wish you both the best of luck!


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Okay, I wasn't contesting the ban after I said I respected your decision.

I was asking on the alteration of your decision despite us not committing any further infractions as your warning stated.

I am attempting to understand the situation in it's entirety and would appreciate answers but they are not required; just say you do not wish to answer.
I thank you for your time and notes on this situation!

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