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US Pure ban- HolyToledo99

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Offender: HolyToledo99        Battlemetrics | Steam
Server: US Pure
Time: 12:30AM Eastern 12/24
Length: Permanent
Reason: Griefing
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Logs showed HolyToledo99 destroying base parts and boxes that werent his own.  Upon further investigation it was found that Holytoledo99 had cleared TC auth and locked the base owner out, then proceeded to build a tower on top of the owners existing structure without permission.

HolyToledo99 was warned about and temp banned for griefing on 12/15/2021 after blowing up his neighbors scrap heli.  The frequency of these griefing incidents, along with disregard for the server rules while being fully aware of the possible punishment for such an offense has led to the decision to enforce a permanent ban on their account.

Logs available upon request.


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Thank you for replying,  

Open or unused bases are not an indication of abandonment, and the rule that forbids raiding, stealing, and greifing does not make exceptions for abandoned or unused structures or items that dont belong to yourself.  The issue at hand isnt whether you're willing to return the base, items, etc. to the original owner, the issue is with taking something that doesnt belong to you in the first place (in this case another players base.)  

you were issued a warning and temporary ban after destroying your neighbors scrap heli with the hope that the time off would allow you ample opportunity to review the server rules, and make sure you were clear about the behavior we expect from players on our server(s) with the understanding that not following those rules in the future would result in further disciplinary action.  

numerous PSA's are posted throughout each wipe detailing these expectations, as well as regularly reminding players they can review the server rules with the /rules command in chat.  Given the circumstances, multiple opportunities given to follow server rules, and continued disregard for nearby players, your ban will remain in place.  

I wish you the best and hope you find a server more suited to your playstyle!



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I found the perfect server which was this one as you can tell from the amount of hour's spent there. I understand your point and have no choice but to except the verdict but I assure you the Heli incident was taken care of first day back (I returned 2,500 scrap and 500 oil to replace Heli) which was my full intension in the first place because my neighbors and I are cool. As for this incident it was clearly a misunderstanding of the definition "abandoned" and you choose to define my personality and intensions because of it. Maybe at some point you'll give me the opportunity to show you these were all misunderstandings.

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