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Buying horses And Claiming Them


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So you have just purchased your dream horse from the stables, it’s got saddle bags and a horseshoe custom made that make your horse faster then the attack heli 👍. You jump off you horse to check out the supermarket to get some crates and some food for you horse. But wait! You hear your horse getting stolen! Nooo why does this happen on a PVE server!


how can we prevent this ? Let’s install a mod so we can claim a horse (or two horses maximum?) with the mod linked .


maybe death can tweak it a bit , and have it added to our wonderful servers! I love having a horse on the rust,  it hate when it gets stolen 😭 booo to thiefs!




WooKiE_MaN ❤️






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They steal not only horses, but also all the contents in her bags, even when she is tied to the feeder. They also steal cars, or rather the fuel in the tank.
There is, of course, a solution to the problem. As far as I know, there is a mod that allows you to put a "combination lock" on horses and cars, just like you do with the doors in your house. So, after installing the lock, neither the horse's bag, the horse itself, nor the tank of the car can be robbed.
I don’t know how difficult it is to put such a mod, but the fact that it is useful for everyone is 1000%. After all, not only the players will benefit, but also the administration, which will have less to consider cases of theft.
All good mood and pleasant game! 😃

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