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Add more time on a timed crates


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It happened me again, someone was joined me in doing oil rig, i shared some blue scientist loot with him. I swiped red card door and looted the chest's inside. I set the timer on for the crate, went outside and there the guy showed up. I went for the crane but he went for the crate... In that 1 minute countdown you are able to loot the crate with auto looter and TP home, so he did. I was basicly trapped with heavy scientists around me and a crate what was gone.

Can we please add more time on timed crates? We dont need to rush the game.. Those grubby moves are not the coolest what can happen to you.

I like the server a lot, positive vibes only, but this is the 2nd or 3rd time it happened to me.

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