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December MAZE!

a 3/0 sc lauan

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Join us on US Pure for the December maze! 

it's that time once again!  The December maze is located at Q24 on US Pure and includes copious amounts of button pushes! 

Running the maze is as simple as pushing a button and finding your way to the exit door! there are no tricks, combinations, traps, or other oddities, 1 button push either opens a door or it doesn't, and you need to find the correct one! 

the maze can be time consuming, and it is recommended that you grab some food from the fridge to prevent dying from hunger as well as a flashlight for nighttime play! If you do die from hunger, an admin will not be able to place you back in the area you were at and you will have to begin again from the start! 

Item storage is also available on site on a first come first served basis! Please make sure your box is locked before entering the maze, and please take your items and unlock the code lock for the next player upon completion!

This month's prizes include: 

1st: $10 Store credit 
2nd: $5 Store credit, 1 Golden egg, 1 Supply signal 
3rd: $5 Store credit, 1 Supply signal 

Prizes can be delivered on the server you play on and upon completing the maze please ensure your gamertag and server you want the prizes delivered on are on the note you'll deliver to the dropbox on the way out! 

Screenshot 2022-12-08 161728.png

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