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US Pure Ban - AlvaroMijoTito

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Offender: AlvaroMijoTito       Battlemetrics       Steam Profile
Server: US Pure
Time: 9:06 am Est
Length: Permanent
Reason: Raiding/Griefing

More Info (Optional): AlvaroMijoTito first offence was on a EU Pure where they stole numerous items.

AlvaroMijoTito was on our server for a very short time and knowing from his prior offences that raiding, stealing and griefing are all against the rules AlvaroMijoTito still accessed another players base and stole almost everything from that players base.

AlvaroMijoTito blatantly ignored the rules of the server and had no consideration of the progress and gameplay of the player they raided and affected.
A permanent ban was placed on AlvaroMijoTito account for continued raiding/griefing.

Due to the vast amount of items taken I will only include a few pics. More available upon request.







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