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US Scourge Ban - josiah8859

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Offender: josiah8859 (Steam ID) (Battlemetrics ID)
Server: US Scourge
Time: 11:30 AM CST, 4/2/2023
Length: Permanent barring successful appeal
Reason: Theft, griefing, and player harassment
More Info:

Player attempted to get other players in trouble for playing music during a public event, apparently as revenge for not doing what he wanted.  Player wrote a note in game mentioning that they "dont really care about what people listen to" but still tried to bring the issue up in Discord to punish others.

Player has also recently lied about store purchases in order to deceive leadership for their personal gain.  They knew they had not purchased their in game items through the web site, as evidenced by global chat, and proceeded to request a store cash refund for items purchased with in-game resources.

These are the final offenses after a series of offenses, including but not limited to: heli raiding, camping monuments, player harassment (beyond this offense), and admin harassment (technically also player harassment)

Given all of the above offenses, a permanent ban has been issued.

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apparently as revenge for not doing what he wanted - this statement was made up by the new group everyone that reported me was in the same group.

Player has also recently lied about store purchases in order to deceive leadership for their personal gain. - this I said this to rosemary and Jack that im dislexic and I missunderstood what I was told about the pjs I even offered to remove the crude / lgf the PJ made. I also appoligised to jack tapper on the help ticket i made i dont know if anyone saw that.

Another thing one of the reasons is theft and I have never stolen something before (except 1 time over 2 years ago when i was new and didnt know the rules)

Player wrote a note in game mentioning that they "dont really care about what people listen to" but still tried to bring the issue up in Discord to punish others. - I posted to discord before i wrote that note and  i might have edited the message after. Also that note was writing to Ib2 so i wouldnt cause a problem in chat and what i said on the note was " I dont care what people listen to music privately but i care what they play outloud"

I do what I can to help everyone also you can ask many people oxy, lava , ib2 and more

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On 4/2/2023 at 2:18 PM, josiah8859 said:

apparently as revenge for not doing what he wanted - this statement was made up by the new group everyone that reported me was in the same group.

Player has also recently lied about store purchases in order to deceive leadership for their personal gain. - this I said this to rosemary and Jack that im dislexic and I missunderstood what I was told about the pjs I even offered to remove the crude / lgf the PJ made. I also appoligised to jack tapper on the help ticket i made i dont know if anyone saw that.

Another thing one of the reasons is theft and I have never stolen something before (except 1 time over 2 years ago when i was new and didnt know the rules)

Player wrote a note in game mentioning that they "dont really care about what people listen to" but still tried to bring the issue up in Discord to punish others. - I posted to discord before i wrote that note and  i might have edited the message after. Also that note was writing to Ib2 so i wouldnt cause a problem in chat and what i said on the note was " I dont care what people listen to music privately but i care what they play outloud"

I do what I can to help everyone also you can ask many people oxy, lava , ib2 and more

May i be unbanned please for the reasons above you can clearly see i was falsely banned. Alot of the facts given for the bann were half statements. SRRY for my actions (the ones i acually did not the ones that i was falsely accused of)

Edited by josiah8859
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  • Staff

After discussion with other admins, we have decided to reject your appeal. You have multiple warnings for offenses on your account, beyond what is normally tolerated by the RustEZ community.

We wish you the best of luck in your future gaming endeavors.  You may appeal your ban to US Scourge's administrative leader if you desire.

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I would like to appeal to the US Scourge's administrative leader will they contact me or do i need to contact them; also if possible would like to speak over voice coms in the rustez discord server theres some stuff i need to explain thats hard to type out.


Edited by josiah8859
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On 4/6/2023 at 5:25 PM, josiah8859 said:

I would like to appeal to the US Scourge's administrative leader will they contact me or do i need to contact them; also if possible would like to speak over voice coms in the rustez discord server theres some stuff i need to explain thats hard to type out.


i hate to see it bro, we've always had a good time and sad to see a long time player being done like this.

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  • Staff

With multiple warnings from several admins on Scourge and Admins from other EZ servers and also a recent temporary ban for actions violating the server rules, I find no reason at this time that this ban should be lifted. Good luck in your future Rust endevours.

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On 4/11/2023 at 1:20 PM, SPLIFF said:

With multiple warnings from several admins on Scourge and Admins from other EZ servers and also a recent temporary ban for actions violating the server rules, I find no reason at this time that this ban should be lifted. Good luck in your future Rust endevours.

some of the reasons are false, no proof was provided 

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  • 1 year later...

This ban is over 1 yr old. I dont even know if the person who banned me is even staff anymore. Im ready for my second chance everyone one does stuff they regret or yeah. Im sorry for the things i did when i was new to the game like when i first joined i hid from the helicopter under someone's base didnt know it was against the rules and back then when i first joined the rules werent as easily accessable as they are now also as soon as someone told me dont hide under someones base from it i moved immidiately. Second i was accoused of stealing i never acaully stole anything on any of the servers but on US pure i did accidently open someones body bag because i thought it was one of the tunnel deweellers i was killing i closed it and told an admin i accidently opened a body bag and made it very clear i didnt take anything and closed it as soon as i saw it was a player. Also on a side note theifing theres usually picts of steam id saying this person accesed this on bans for stealing but i dont see anypictures of proof on mine. Third camping a monument I never acually camped a momument Northstarz on rust ez pure blaimed me of it because i was looting the brown boxes (at launch) randomly scattered about and didnt know where to look because this was when i was new to the game so i got falsely accused of it also my game did dc inside launch pad but i reconnected asap. Forth player or admin abuse I didnt acually do this im a bit confused why this is even on this no pictures or anything for proof. Fifth Player harrassment So I didnt player harrass let me explain there was a new group (they had like 10-20 ppl) hosting a event i always go to events to be apart of the community and one of them was blarring racist music I called him out on it and they all started yelling at me ingame and yeah. Also the thing about the note on the ban that says this  (Player wrote a note in game mentioning that they "dont really care about what people listen to") This is only part of the note the admin messed up (minty mint) the real message on the note said this (I dont care what people listen to IN PRIVATE i only care what music they play outloud) IDK why the admin only had part of the ingame note on the bann notice but it was wrong. Im sorry for all the offenses I communited most of them were as a new player and some of them were mistakes an admin made. But i would like to have a second chance to rejoin sometime maybe next month for wipe 🙂

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  • Staff

Given the length of time that has passed, the ban has been lifted, but it will remain on your record.  You're being given one more chance to follow the server rules.  Please do not stray from them.

Take a few minutes before rejoining, and refresh yourself on the rules to avoid any chance of breaking them. If you are unclear on any of them, or aren't sure what is permitted, reach out to the staff and we'll be happy to clarify them for you.

Welcome back, and enjoy RustEZ.

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