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Banned [EU] Pure ddy19880218


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Offender: ddy19880218 Steam Battlemetrics
Server: [EU] Pure

Time: 13:32
Length: perm
Reason: Multiple Instances of Raiding and Griefing
More Info:

i was made aware of a player checking out bases. so i logged in and found the offender busy laddering into bases. i showed up tryed to initiate conversation also posting the PSA about raiding stealing and Griefing . player ignored me and ran off. i secured the base he laddered into with windowbars and went again to check on him. i found him in another base. laddered into ofc. i showed up tryed again to get a conversation going. player shot me with a crossbow and ran off. after placing the ban i found at least 3-4 other bases the offender tryed to gain acess to and boxes looted by him takover of  bases over by wiping tc and leaving only him on it











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