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[EU] Pure Banned: Ralphford.

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Offender: Ralphford.
 https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/1102480704 BM, Steam ID: 76561199358765651
Server: [EU] Pure
Time: 2:30 pm GMT+1
Length: Perm
Reason: Stealing, griefing, ban evasion, player harassment
More Info (Optional): Player had an alt account banned by fly a while go for the same reasons. After coming back with a different account, he picked up right where he left off, sadly.
Several counts of stealing, entering people's bases, following others around stealing scrap from their barrels, etc... All after being warned by fly in the past and myself in the present.


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  • R4-D2 changed the title to [EU] Pure Banned: Ralphford.

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