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[EU] Pure Ban syki >> lowka228 bandit.camp

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Offender: syki >> lowka228 bandit.com battlemetrics steam
Server: [EU] Pure
Time:06.02.2024 6:19 gmt+1
Length: perm
Reason: Stealing, Raiding, Griefing, Misogynistic Talk
More Info:

The offender was reported for stealing food and also killing a horse from a player. When I arrived at the base, the offender talked disrespectfully to me and said "youre a woman go clean my room",  I told him to read the server rules and that I wont tolerate any misogynistic speech. He didnt listen, so I kicked him with  the reason to read the rules and then come back. He came back and left the victim alone. A couple minutes later, Admin assistance was called in again and Fly took over the interaction and found them inside a base, pushing a car off a car lift where they twigged into before. The next day Fly found more evidence, that they stole a kit from the raided base also. Today Fly found another base had been raided by them and called me over to take lootlogs. As I witnessed yesterday  they recived the final warning already. So I took action and placed the ban.  

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  • Francesca changed the title to [EU] Pure Ban syki >> lowka228 bandit.camp

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