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US Pure ban- J ROC

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Offender: J ROC   Battlemetrics | Steam  (Formerly Cecil Medlock)
Server: US Pure
Time: 10:57PM EST
Length: Permanent 
Reason: Griefing
More Info (Optional): 

on 3/20 J ROC entrered another players base and stole everything they were able to access.  In an attempt to further hide the items they stole, they handed them off to another player who knew they were stolen.  J ROC was issued a console warning outlining our rules against raiding and stealing, while urging them to type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules and prevent further rule infractions from occuring.  

on 3/22 J ROC was found to have griefed another player by twigging onto their base in an attempt to gain access to it.  J ROC was sent another console warning notifying them that player griefing and twigging onto other players bases is against server rules and a bannable offense.  J ROC was again reminded to type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules and avoid further infractions.  

on 4/8 J ROC was warned for toxic behavior following players notifying admins about a confrontation in global chat over an oil rig confrontation.  J ROC was again console warned and urged to read the server rules to prevent further infractions or a server ban.  

on 4/10 J ROC was found to have twigged onto at least 4 different players bases in an attempt to gain access to them, with J ROC showing on the logs of containers and//or players sleepers they were able to access.

factoring in J ROC's time on our server and the continued, frequent rule breaking after numerous warnings and chances to abide by the server rules to ensure a fair and fun experience for our community, I decided to place a permanent ban on J ROC's account.  





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