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I get that this is a facepunch and a me issue, not a Rust EZ one, but was wondering if there is anything that can be done server side to address it.

Situation - I am based in east coast Australia. I have been playing on AU, EU, US and JP servers lately. I have no issues on AU and US Elysium but on EU and JP servers I have stupidity high amounts of projectile invalids when fighting scientists on Cargo. Like empty whole magazines in headshots but no damage.

Now it's most likely due to the constant movement of the ship plus the high ping causing the issue (so my problem, I get it). 

Is there anything that can help with this?

I'll keep doing the go slow, bring heaps of ammo and heals and try to shoot in-line with ships direction, not across it, but I thought if I don't ask then the chance of anything that can help is definitely 0 😉.


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