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Adding a new staff role: The Game Master (name is WIP)

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Hey there! Hopefully this will make sense (groggy from working nights)

This role is a role that is dedicated to only hosting events on servers so that admin can deal with other issues or griefers. The idea of events are thrown onto admin, and with that we barely see events going on in any server for the most part whether the admin don't have time, or they just don't want to host an event. I don't blame the admin for that, I do understand that dealing with these kinds of people who bring harm, racism, sexism, etc into the servers can be a headache, so with this suggestion it will at least alleviate those other tasks (if you want to call them tasks, due to admin not really having to do it) from the admin, and also keeps engagement up for the wipe so that we don't see a severe drop off in servers (US Scourge for example.)

How it'd work is pretty much similar to admin, except that their whole thing would be creating these events (derby, chainsaw chase, rocket pvp, etc) for the people of the server to enjoy and have something to do in lieu of just sitting there and making expo for the rest of wipe when they hit the sweet spot of automation. These "Game Masters" would be staff, or junior staff (kind of like a predecessor for admin or a potential-for-admin role) and they'd be able to post in the announcement chat about potential events that are up and coming, or have a new chat dedicated to events that people can check. To fix the issue of it becoming a mess in the channel, could go with the possibility of having four different channels (one for each area in the world) so that it'd be easier to find said events and what not. 

The role itself should have around 2-3 people per server so that it doesn't fall on just one person to make 75+ people happy every week or so. Yes, it is alot for the amount of servers that are up and running, and some of them could only use 1-2 people and if they need more for whatever reason, then we could pull a Game Master from US Scourge to go help out at US Pure, or US Survival. 

Again, this is a very rough draft and something that I have noticed. I will obviously take questions and feedback, but I do think it'd help with the decline in pop later in wipe. 

Thank you, 

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Players are most welcome to run events. We've seen multiple crash derbies, races, vending machine fetch quests, indoor mini jousting, pool parties, firework shows, giveaways and general competitions all run by rustez players with little or no admin help. If a player thinks an event might need admin help you are always welcome to reach out to us and discuss. 🙂

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